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About I Have Cat
Tamar began "I Have Cat" as a way to chronicle her life as a 30-something NYC singleton looking for love despite the complication of owning cat (s). Read about how it all began>>
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Tag Archives: new york city
To Catch a Cat: How Three Stray Kittens Rescued Me (Book Review)

To Catch a Cat: How Three Stray Kittens Rescued Me is a memoir written by former journalist Heather Green about a time in her life when she was a single – albeit with a boyfriend – career woman living and working … Continue reading
Posted in Cats, Reviews
Tagged Adopt don't shop, Cat Book, cat lady, Cat Woman, foster cats, new york, new york city, NYC, NYC Living
Inside Brooklyn’s First Cat Cafe

Upon visiting the latest addition to the NYC cat café a week after its opening (by which they’d already made 6 adoptions!) I noticed a few things that make Brooklyn’s first cat café distinctly different from its counterparts on the island of … Continue reading
Posted in Advocacy, Cats
Tagged Adopt don't shop, adoption, Cat Cafe, new york, new york city
Everything You Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask About I HAVE CAT

I’m so honored to be included, along with my three cats, in the Summer Issue of Meow Quarterly and in the company of cats like Princess Monster Truck and the Acro-Cats among others! You’ll learn how I “got” cat (s) … Continue reading
#EmpireStateBuilding #EndangeredSpecies

This past Saturday I was privy, along with tens of thousands of Manhattanites, to an impressive light show (costing $1MM) in honor of endangered animals. We congregated at prime viewing spots jockeying for the optimal viewing furiously clicking and filming … Continue reading
Posted in Advocacy, Cats
Tagged Empire State Building, Endangered Animals, new york city
Dog Cafes: Food + Dogs = Questionable

Yes, there is in fact a post about dogs from I HAVE CAT in your news feed or inbox today. I just couldn’t help myself when I heard about the latest crowd-funding trend: Raising money to open Dog Cafes in … Continue reading
A Year Ago Today: The Blessing of the Animals

Not exactly 365 days ago, but close enough. The first Sunday in October s closest to a Sunday is the Blessing of the Animals at Saint John the Devine in upper Manhattan. Today is that day and they certainly have glorious … Continue reading

If you follow my personal Facebook page or the I HAVE CAT Instagram account it will come as no surprise to hear that I’ve been slightly….okay very obsessed with “The Big Egg Hunt” that’s been going on in … Continue reading
NYC CATS: The Subway Kittens

This is the first edition of a new featured called “NYC CATS” where we highlight cats of this fine city! Hope you enjoy today’s installment! On August 29, 2013, two small kittens were found wandering on NYC train tracks, shutting … Continue reading
A New York Christmas

I’ve been playing tourist and wanted to share a little New York City Christmas magic through photos and video with you. Enjoy! First up, the tree at Rockefeller Center. It was a hazy night which I think made it even more … Continue reading
A Year Ago Today

A year ago today I was in the dark. Literally. But I sure has heck wasn’t alone. Hurricane Sandy had come and in its wake left many of us without water or power (thankfully I had water – cold water … Continue reading
New York City Living

Inspired by a missed opportunity (a very big one in retrospect), I’ve been making an effort to notice and document things that catch my eye during the course of a seemingly ordinary day. I shared my first New York City … Continue reading
Saint John The Divine, A Boy And Some Blessed Animals

Last weekend found me at the historic Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine with one rather dashing Southern gent by the name of Philip (refer to photographic evidence below). It’s not often I’m at church, let alone a … Continue reading
September 11th Reprised

“It’s just a day for me now,” said my ex roommate, the one who lived with me on 9/11/2001. I was taken back by her response to my text to her saying I couldn’t believe twelve years had passed already. … Continue reading
New York City Living: A Pictorial

I’ve been making a point of taking photos of things I find of interest throughout my day. I wanted to share some of the photos I’ve taken within the past month to give you a peek into New York City … Continue reading