New York City Living: A Pictorial

I’ve been making a point of taking photos of things I find of interest throughout my day. I wanted to share some of the photos I’ve taken within the past month to give you a peek into New York City as I see and experience it.

Art Installation at Madison Square Park An art installation at Madison Square Park

Flowers blooming in Madison Square Park

Signs of Summer in the park

Art Installation at Madison Square Park 2013

A bird made entirely of industrial size nails (The Empire State Building in the background)

The MET Opera

The chandelier at the Lincoln Center (I was fortunate enough to see a performance of Rigoletto with my parents)

Lincoln CenterBefore the performance

Washington Square ParkWashington Square Park

Pimping in Washington Square Park, NYCI couldn’t resist taking a photo of this guy in his pimp car!

Yellow Bike NYCYellow bike

skyThe sky at my parents house

cherry blossom

Cherry blossom tree in my parent’s front yard

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