I HAVE CAT readers have the opportunity to win a copy of “Men With Cats: Intimate Portraits of Feline Friendships” before it comes out on February 11th!
This book depicts a wide range of men with the cats they love, along with quotes from them. Examples of the types of photos and text are included below.

”I’m of the camp that believes there’s significantly more depth to animals than we’d normally consider. Maybe I’m just prone to transposing my own thoughts onto him and personifying his actions, but to me he’s more insightful and sensitive than a lot of people I know.” – Andrew with Haroun
There will be not one, but THREE WINNERS and every in the US, Canada and UK is eligible to participate!

“She’s very sweet to me when I’m sick. I once had a fever of over 100 and I fell asleep on top of her, and she just let me.” – Harris With Lola
We recently featured author, David Williams, as one of our a Cat Man Monday so be sure to check that out if you missed it!
Leaving a comment to this blog post via the widget is mandatory to win! Winners will be contacted in a week!

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