When I first saw a YouTube video of a rapper with three Sphynx cats, I wasn’t sure what to think. Particularly because the song was called “Blind Love.” Was it possible he was singing about the cats? Or was this an attention grabbing shtick of some sort to make him seem more approachable and gain a wider audience?
It turns out the rapper in question was non other than Moshow (aka “The Cat Rapper”), and the three Sphynxs, his true loves (in addition to his girlfriend I’m guessing). I had the chance to speak with him briefly yesterday and was impressed by his amazingly positive attitude, politeness and desire to spread love and happiness despite his less-than-charmed upbringing in a rough part of Baltimore.
And obviously he love of cats and cat ladies swayed me (he even gives cat women a shout-out once a week). Oh, and did I mention he put himself through college?
I hope enjoy today’s Cat Man Monday, my interview with Moshow.
T = Me (Tamar) & M = Moshow!
T: In a recent Animal Planet interview you were asked what it is you like about cats and responded, ”I’m attracted to everything about a cat!! Cats are just LOVE and LIFE to me!” Can you help me out here by being more specific? As a guy who didn’t grow up around animals at all, what drew you to them and turned into such a vocal a cat man?
M: Growing up, tough neighborhood, didn’t have any animals, natural instinct is to not like them. In college, I met my girlfriend and she had cats. I’d come to her house and her cat Queenie would just come up to me and rub my leg all the time and I hated it. I didn’t wanna touch them [cats] or pet them. But I would come every weekend and every night I’d be studying, Queenie would rub my leg. After a while she was on my lap, then next to my computer. Queenie opened up my heart to all animals.*
A photo posted by MSHO™ (@iammoshow) on
T: You’ve said you were attracted to Sphynx because they remind of yourself. Judged by the way they look, and you related to that. Can you talk more about that?
M: In college I met people from different walks of life. Lots of Uggs and black legging, people being safe. I was dressing the way I wanted to, felt like the underdog. Some people say they‘re die-hard cat lovers, but not when they get to the Sphynx. I see a different kind of animal. They have a bad rap. People say, “What kind of dog is that?” Or, “Did you tattoo your cat?” And obviously Austin Powers had one…I made a promise I’d get one…
T: Do you get slack from the rap community or from rap fans for having cats instead of dogs? And why cats and not dogs?
M: Dogs? No, I’m just a weird person, and a lot of rappers have dogs. I’m here to make a stamp in a cat world. I’m fighting for something different, for positivity. I’m not wearing a mask. I have to write about what I know. I always liked cats from a far. How they were self-sufficient. Found it interesting you show them the kitty litter once and they knew where to go.
A photo posted by MSHO™ (@iammoshow) on
T: You have two Sphynx cats, Sushi and MegaMam who are siblings, and eventually you got their mom, Tali as well. You’ve said Sushi is your best friend. What is it about her that makes you two so close, and do you think the others may be jealous of your bond?
M: Sushi, well, okay, for instance, every nigh at a certain night she scratches on my chest, wants to sleep under the covers with me. We’re connected. Everywhere I am she wants to be. She likes to go out for walks and runs like a dog, we’re tight.
Don’t think the others are jealous because they get love in different ways. Mega, she’s very energetic and runs around. She loves my girlfriend. They each chose us. And Tali’s just floating…
T: Do you ever get flak for not adopting rescue cats?
M: Well I have rescued. I adopted one but he/she only lived one month. And I adopted Ollie who lives with my girlfriend’s Mom. They’re tight.
T: Any more cats in your future? A: Of course probably one more maybe a Devon Rex or another Sphynx. I’ve always wanted a Scottish fold. Q: You need to give Taylor Swift a call.
M: Yeh, I gotta call T-Swizell (laughs).
T: How do you pick who you feature on your Instagram each week for #BeautifulCatLadyWednesday?
M: Just use the hashtag and every Wednesday I look at the pictures and pick one. [Tamar here: don’t think I didn’t immediately hashtag the few photos I have WITH my cats! Paws crossed!]
T: So I have to ask where your rapper name Moshow comes from?
M: Well, my last name is Molock, and back in the day my dad was a star basketball player and that’s what they called him. I love me dad so it’s me honoring him. He used to call me that as a kid.
T: Is there anything else you want to say before we sign-off?
M: Just that I want people to be themselves. I know what it’s like to be an underdog, I know what it’s like to be judged because of the way you live and where you come from. Just because you’re born into a tough situation doesn’t me that’s what you’re subject to. You make your own future and your own destiny – hard work and destiny. I was the 12-year old project kid. I put myself through college. I’m following my dreams.
There are a ton more aweome pics and cat raps to be seen by Moshow on both his Facebook page and Instagram. If you can’t already tell they further prove what a sweet guy he is – posing with fans, having fan meet-ups. We wish him all the best as he makes the transition from Maryland to Portland, OR. The west coast is gaining a real mensch (that’s NYC speak – okay, Yiddish – for a good dude).
*I found it interesting when he said a cat, Queenie, opened his heart up to all animals. I can totally related. As someone who did not grow up with animals either, I just thought a cat was a cat was a cat and a dog was a dog was a dog etc. It wasn’t until I had my first cat Kip, that I realized he was his own little personality. A little soul his very own, unlike any other. I actually wrote about this in a post titled “Cats, The Gateway Animal.” It’s a post I’m proud of and one of my earlier ones. I do hope you check it out.

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