I was working on a different post for today but clearly this had to take precedence. I think you’ll see why soon.
I’ll admit, the title isn’t as pithy as I’d have liked it to be. I could find a word that meant “crush,” or “enamoured with.” that started with the litter “T”. Is there one I missed?
I do not know or care about football. I do not know where the Patriots are from (shhhh don’t tell, ignorance is bliss).
I DO KNOW they have one hunk of a tight end whose young enough to be my son if I’d been a teen mom. I have not a clue – nor do I want to know – what a tight end is or does (in the football meaning).
I DO KNOW that Rob Gronkowski, also known as “Gronk” or “The Terminator” (thanks Wikipedia), “likes to snuggle” and pulled off one of the cutest photo shoots with kittens I’ve seen in my life for ESPN.
Not even sure he likes cats. Don’t wanna know. Please, just let me enjoy the moment.
I’m guessing the photo shoot was ESPN’s way of showing Rob’s “softer side.” Speaking of which, I’m totally moving in the wrong direction age-wise with my cat men crushes. Anyone recall Cat Man Monday Jon Boyer who starred in the “Softer Side campaign”?
He’s 28. Rob is 25. We really need to add a 20 to that, this is verging on inappropriate.
Clearly I’m not the only one digging these pics. The Twitter-verse went bonkers when the interview and accompanying photographs were published:
“@RoberGronkowski and kittens (internet breaks)”
“Rob Gronkowski with kittens gives me life.”
He (or perhaps it was the kittens) even won over a non-Patriot fan:
“I can say with certainty I’ll never be a @Patriots fan. I’ll always be a fan of Rob Gronkowski #kittens #realness.”
OMG I need to grow up but seriously, I’m not sure what’s cuter. Rob or the kittens. And we all know giving kittens a run for their money is no easy task. Though one person – see Tweet below – was blinded by the kittens.
So what does a tight end do? No, no, never mind. Don’t tell me.

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