Purina Pro Plan Cat is continuing its #MyGreatCat campaign, inspiring people to appreciate the inherent greatness in cats while encouraging cat owners to recognize and share what’s so grea about their cat(s).
Maybe it’s Tinga’s pink tongue, or Tor’s goofy expressions. Whatever it is, they’re so eager to see and hear about your cat(s) they’ll feed a rescue cat with every video or photo shared to your social channels with the hashtag #MyGreatCat and @proplancat through 8/31/14!
One pound of its cat food per photo or video – up to 50,000 pounds – to hundreds of cat rescue groups nationwide through the Purina Pro Plan Rally to Rescue network! As of today about 15,000 pounds of food have been donated! You can keep track of the progress and check out some of the entries here (maybe you’ll find your photo or video there?!).
Here are just a few of the entries to inspire you! And be sure to read on because there might be something in it for you to!

#mygreatcat was found in a box outside of a pet store, hungry and cold. she was so tiny, her eyes were still closed! three and a half months old now! @proplancat (gggaaabbbbyyy)

#MyGreatCat @ProPlanCat My cat is great because he is 19 years old, his name is Benutti (@tiggergris)

#MyGreatCat My cat Pluto is so great because he loves children. Pluto even went to a birthday party & to a school to help a special needs child. (Heather Ziener on FB)
In yet another way to bring to life what’s special about cats, Purina teamed up with up-and-coming 19-year-old photographer Jessica Trinh (wow, 19!) whose specialty is dog portraiture. Jessica was invited into the homes of ten cat owners to uncover for herself those things that make a cat uniquely great.
This is what she had to say after her experience photographing felines for the first time (she did quite an amazing job if I do say so myself):
“I wanted to explore the emotion of these cats and reveal the relationship between them and their owners,” said Trinh. “Having always been a ‘dog person’, I was quite surprised by what I found. The playfulness, the authority they conveyed – and the love they clearly communicated. Each cat had its own story to tell, and I look forward to discovering more in my future work.”
On June 14th, Jessica’s photographs were displayed at a pop-up exhibit in San Francisco. The photographs are brought to life in word by the cat’s owners.
Name: Peanut Butter
Traits: Intelligence, ability to entertain, cunning
I was going through a traumatic time in my life, and I need something to help me with the healing process, somewhere to focus my energy. I rescued him, but he really rescued me. He brought a bit of serene nature into our lives and into our home. Just the thought of him waiting for me at home made me feel reassured. When I talk, he talks right back. He is connected; you can see his brain working all the time. He’s really clever, and it’s amazing how much he can make us laugh.
Name: Mia
Traits: Loyalty, love
I got to keep Mia after a break-up. She got depressed when I left South Beach and moved to L.A., she did not cope well with my departure. My ex suggested moving her to live with me, and I immediately agreed. She has her spot – she sleeps on the pillow next to me, the whole night. Even if I’ve been gone traveling for a while, she comes right up to greet me. She’s very calm and gentle with kids and even dogs. I think she goes into the bathroom to meditate where she will snuggle into a basket full of towels.
Boy cats tend to be more physically affectionate, but Mia is more nurturing. She is the peacekeeper.
Name: Doto
Traits: Peace, love
Cats teach us compassion, love and kindness. If my life didn’t have cats, there would just be something missing.
I signed up to foster Doto as a kitten, and she came to me needing to be nursed back to health. I spent weeks treating her, including her terrible eye infection. In the end I decided I just couldn’t part with her, she had become so affectionate and a part of my life. I could carry her around like a baby all day. As soon as I walk in the door, you can hear her purring from across the room until she finds me. She makes a good little spoon.
Name: Loki
Traits: Boldness, fearlessness
When I rescued him at three weeks old, I had to bottle feed him and teach him how to use the litter box. Now, he takes all his cues from his big brother Hutch, our dog. He is not a huge cuddler, but he will sometimes nap with Hutch when he’s in the right mood. He’s only a kitten, but he’s fearless. He’s a handful and can get into trouble a lot.
His name comes from the legend of Thor. Loki is the god of mischief. I thought it was a good name for a cat and he has lived up to it. One time I was cooking in the kitchen, and when I turned my back, he stole a whole chicken off the counter and dragged it to the floor. He’s obsessed with food.
You can see the rest of Jessica’s cat photos by clicking here.
In addition to Jessica’s work, Cats of Instagram, selected four Instagram cat photographers to join the exhibit. Coming in at #1 was non-other than our recent Cat Man Monday Andrew Marttila! Go Andrew!
As you can see from the photos below, the exhibit was a hit! I particularly love the cat owner who wants to make sure kitty gets to see all the photos too (and he – or she – seems to truly be taking in the photography in an interested manner!).
So, if helping shelter cats and kitties wasn’t enough, we’re going to sweeten the pot just a tad.
Post a video or photo with the hashtag #mygreatcat and @proplancat on Twitter, FB and/or Instagram. Then come back here and leave what you wrote in the comment section. By doing so you’ll be entered to win one of 5 “Ask Me About #MyGreatCat” tote bags filled with Pro Plan Cat goodies!
- You have until July 1st 5pm EST to enter
- You can enter as many times as you want (with different photos and copy)
- Must be in the US (sorry!)
- Winner will be chosen using random.org
Here are #MyGreatCat (s)

Haddie is #MyGreatCat because she’s my little squatter who was only supposed to be a foster and apparently decided – without telling me – she’d found her forever home @proplancat

#MyGreatCat Kip because he’s my “good boy” except for always being on the countertop! He knows when it’s bedtime and gets in before me as if awaiting my arrival! @proplancat

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