It was only this past March Vogue used a variety of famous and adoptable cats for their editorial, “The Cat and The Flat.”
Now Neiman Marcus has decided to pair the stunning Polish, and former Victoria Secret model, Magdalena Frackowiak with three equally stunning off-white cats for a Nina Ricci style book. Magalena’s getting a run for her money!
Sadly, but not surprisingly, no details provided on the cats used in the shoot. Most have hypothesizes the cats are Rag Dolls, while others say Snowshoe or Birman. Do you know?
While the photos are certainly stunning, and that cats seem to take direction like pros, I still prefer Vogue’s spread. What about you?
What’s your take on using cats in fashion magazines? Are they being degraded as props, or elevated by being associated with beautiful clothing and models?
Oh, and don’t forget to check out the style book (link above) some of Nina Ricci’s $2,500+ outfits have been slashed down to $1,800 – get them while you can! Ha!

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