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About I Have Cat
Tamar began "I Have Cat" as a way to chronicle her life as a 30-something NYC singleton looking for love despite the complication of owning cat (s). Read about how it all began>>
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Tag Archives: tamar
2011: Refinements Not Resolutions

Today is the reason I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions. And by today I mean December 31st of any year. It’s the day you’re forced to remember what you resolved to do 12 months ago and be … Continue reading
An Ordinary Day

It was late August in the summer of 2001. Unemployed at the time, I was paying a visit to the unemployment office in the financial district (no phoning it in or going online like today). Coming up out of the … Continue reading
Follow Your Gut (3 of 3)

If you remember dear (and very patient) readers, we last saw my date M__ laptop in hand, tasked with finding a place for dinner while I left to finish the laundry. Taking a deep breath I reentered my apartment. Stepping into … Continue reading
Dinner Take Two…sort of (2 of 3)

Readers, you might recall the last time I saw M___ he was making off with “my” Szechuan broccoli in garlic sauce (with brown rice). Before his great escape we’d made plans for dinner for the coming Sunday at 6pm. Well, … Continue reading
Posted in Relationships, Tamar
Tagged dating, food, humor, men, pescatarian, relationships, single, tamar, vegetarian
Somebody’s Watching Me

“I think someone is spying on you,” said my creative director D____, as she tossed the Barney’s New York 2010 Fall Catalog on my desk. We’d just spent lot of together shooting in LA and my love of cats was … Continue reading
Clueless in Manhattan

I’m not an avid “Curb Your Enthusiasm” fan, but I’ve enjoyed quite a few episodes. So when I heard Jeff Garlin and Susie Essman were the headliners at “Unleash Yourself! A Night of Comedy to Benefit the ASPCA” I bought … Continue reading
I Have (Fat) Cat

If you follow I HAVE CAT on facebook you know Petie had his annual check-up recently after being a year overdue. I’d been dragging my feet because the last time I took him in he weighed 18lbs and I was … Continue reading
Irish Eyes Are Smiling

WARNING: This post is not about cats and has no greater meaning. But, there are gratuitous hot guy pictures. You have been warned. Proceed with caution. I’ve never been a boy-crazy kind of girl. Not unless you count my mild … Continue reading
Crazy Cool (Cat) Lady

10am today found me – large black coffee in hand – reviewing creative that would be presented to the client later in the day. To my displeasure one of the scripts (written by a single woman who owns a cat … Continue reading
Posted in Cats, Tamar
Tagged Advertising, cat lady, cats, cool cat lady, sexy cat lady, tamar
Is She The One?

As some of you know I have two cats – Petie and Kip – and a rotating foster. Truth be told, my foster has been more static than rotating of late. Little Haddie girl has been with me for quite … Continue reading
Posted in Cats, Tamar
Tagged Cat tipping point, cats, foster cats, tamar, Too many cats?

My friend J___ holds Hollywood accountable for her singleton status. She believes movies like “Sleepless in Seattle,” “16 Candles” and “Serendipity” ruined her life. These films gave her comfort that love was hiding just around the corner and would reveal … Continue reading
Posted in Best of, Relationships, Tamar
Tagged cliches, Family, having babies, life, relationships, single, stereotype, tamar
Up In The Air

Thanks to the worldwide information highway (had to get that in there!) I’ve had the pleasure of “meeting” pet-loving bloggers like Daniela Caride of “The Daily Tail.” On her recent trip back home to Brazil she was actually inspired (by … Continue reading
Posted in Relationships, Tamar
Tagged blind date, dating, men, relationships, tamar, The Daily Tail
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Late nights. Celebrity. Intrigue.

Yes, I speak of BlogPaws 2010. My friends encouraged me, dare I say some even admired me, for spending a weekend (in Ohio) with strangers. I “knew” a few people from the internet but only by name – or cat’s … Continue reading
They Walk Among Us

Today’s post is written by a colleague of mine who has the distinct pleasure of sitting next to me at work. Patrick’s a single 30-something year old living in NYC – without cats (for now). ************** When I first met Tamar she … Continue reading
Holy Cat, People Magazine Interviews Me!

Actually PeoplePets interviews me – even better! Paris and Heidi hide your pups because it’s time for I HAVE CAT (s)! They wanted a picture of me with Kip and Petie, but for better or worse, I realized I didn’t … Continue reading
First Interview

Well I must say I was pretty surprised when a gentleman from India contacted me out of the blue asking to interview me for his website Speak Bindas. Of course my first though was “is he single?” followed closely by … Continue reading
Hare-Raising Tail

My eyes move from the massive close-up of a rabbit cornea projected on a screen to the middle age man sitting at my table hacking at the chicken breast on the plate before him. He looks up and I attempt … Continue reading
Posted in Best of, Flirting with Vegan, Tamar
Tagged cats, eating cats and dogs, flirting with vegan, tamar, vegan