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Tamar began "I Have Cat" as a way to chronicle her life as a 30-something NYC singleton looking for love despite the complication of owning cat (s). Read about how it all began>>
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Tag Archives: reviews
Banish Cat Smells With CritterZone’s Air Naturalizer (discount code!)

As cat parents we’re convinced our homes smell like clean laundry, a dewy forest, the sea breeze, or freshly cut grass. Let me be real with you. The reality of the situation is likely something more like this: … Continue reading
silhouPETte Custom Pet Portraits and Jewelry

I’m so excited to be sharing these clean, modern custom portraits and charms from silhouPETte with you today. And this post is going up just in the nick of time, because if you order a custom item by this Wednesday … Continue reading
A Few of Our Favorite Things

We are behind in our product reviews so we are combining two of our (okay the cats’) favorite things. Metrix for success are as follows (in order of importance): An acceptable color palate (neutral, black, white or some sort of … Continue reading
Review: FURminator Face-Off

My FURminator-love is no secret, so when asked to review the new FURminator Deluxe* I couldn’t wait to get my paws hands on it. The FURminator Deluxe has already received a tremendous amount of blogger attention – including a guest review … Continue reading
Jake & Micah: Olives, Cookies and Sushi for Cats!

I’m all about cat toys and accessories that are an extension of my personality and aesthetic. So I was super excited when Mei Zaums, founder of Jake & Micah (and former NYC resident), offered to send one of her cat-nip … Continue reading
Eye Candy

When I first saw these I had no idea what they were, but I knew I wanted them. No, they are not sweet confections… or pots of eyeshadow… It turns out they’re Sleepypod Crater Dots and come in five vibrant … Continue reading
Life-Changing Pet Portraits

Today I share with you a few tenants try to abide when it comes to drawing the line between me and my love of felines: Not displaying cats photos in my home – to be fair I don’t have framed pictures … Continue reading
Review: Catnip Toys with Sass!

Sometimes I look around my apartment and am convinced I live with a toddler given the number of toys strewn up and down the stairs (not to mention the cat beds). Well thanks to OhBoyCatToy now your cat’s toys can … Continue reading
Review: Furminator Goes Deluxe

Today’s product review is brought to you by guest blogger and Chicago resident Elena Papastefan. Elena lives with two dogs, Cookie and Gigi and one fabulous long haired Calico cat named Kat. Check out her blog “Too Kool Doggies” and … Continue reading
Review: World’s Best Cat Litter

UPDATE: Since this review was originally written, I HAVE CAT received a sample of the Multiple Cat Household World’s Best Litter to sample. It definitely makes a difference. We’ve upgraded our score to 3 paws (up from 2.5) out of … Continue reading
iLitter (aka ModKat)

This is my first-ever official product review. I promise to be: Truthful about my impression of the product Biased towards products that are stylish and sleek in design As a SINGLE 30-something year old, I don’t want to turn-off … Continue reading