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Tamar began "I Have Cat" as a way to chronicle her life as a 30-something NYC singleton looking for love despite the complication of owning cat (s). Read about how it all began>>
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Tag Archives: new york
To Catch a Cat: How Three Stray Kittens Rescued Me (Book Review)

To Catch a Cat: How Three Stray Kittens Rescued Me is a memoir written by former journalist Heather Green about a time in her life when she was a single – albeit with a boyfriend – career woman living and working … Continue reading
Posted in Cats, Reviews
Tagged Adopt don't shop, Cat Book, cat lady, Cat Woman, foster cats, new york, new york city, NYC, NYC Living
Inside Brooklyn’s First Cat Cafe

Upon visiting the latest addition to the NYC cat café a week after its opening (by which they’d already made 6 adoptions!) I noticed a few things that make Brooklyn’s first cat café distinctly different from its counterparts on the island of … Continue reading
Posted in Advocacy, Cats
Tagged Adopt don't shop, adoption, Cat Cafe, new york, new york city
Two Hotties In Four Days: John Fulton and Joshua Bell

Normally contact with one hot guy in a given month is considered newsworthy (or rather blog worthy). But this past week I had the pleasure of enjoying the presence of two hotties within a mere four day period. In truth … Continue reading
A Year Ago Today

A year ago today I was in the dark. Literally. But I sure has heck wasn’t alone. Hurricane Sandy had come and in its wake left many of us without water or power (thankfully I had water – cold water … Continue reading
New York City Living

Inspired by a missed opportunity (a very big one in retrospect), I’ve been making an effort to notice and document things that catch my eye during the course of a seemingly ordinary day. I shared my first New York City … Continue reading
September 11th Reprised

“It’s just a day for me now,” said my ex roommate, the one who lived with me on 9/11/2001. I was taken back by her response to my text to her saying I couldn’t believe twelve years had passed already. … Continue reading
Feline State of Mind

Asked to describe a cat’s personality recently, I rattled off a list of attributes not thinking much of it. Upon reflection however, I realized I’d described the average New Yorker. Curious to see how far the similarities went, I compiled … Continue reading
9/11: I Have Cat Remembers

On the T.V. screen, two black towers rising up between the broadcasters’ heads against an impossibly hopeful bright blue sky. A gash in the side of one from which a torrent of black smoke gushed forth. I called my friend Steven … Continue reading
9/11: The view from across the pond

Rebecca Slattery-Kavanagh, writer, animal lover and I HAVE CAT reader shares the perspective of someone working in London England ten years ago today. Outside of the US, the UK suffered more losses on 9/11/2001 than any other country. I don’t … Continue reading
Et Tu?

It started over the Labor Day Weekend. Magazines hit the stands with commemorative anniversary editions. NY1 seems to running heart-wrenching stories on a 24/7 loop. Even while making a grocery run to get ingredients for vegan lasagna Tuesday evening I was … Continue reading

Knowingly or not, we all start with a wish-list. In a safe neighborhood, close to work, southern light, hardwood floors, a full bath with tub, maybe a small study. A patio would be nice, but it’s gotta be under $1,700 … Continue reading