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Tamar began "I Have Cat" as a way to chronicle her life as a 30-something NYC singleton looking for love despite the complication of owning cat (s). Read about how it all began>>
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Tag Archives: catnip
A Giveaway for You and Your Cat!

I often look around my apartment and wish I’d started a shoe blog. So many things for my cats, but what about me?? If you feel like your cats are the ones getting all the love, then this giveaway is … Continue reading
Petie Catnip Toys Are a Reality!

Get a Petie of your own* by ordering a hand made in the USA, organic catnip Petie patterned toy (or 3!) made specially for I HAVE CAT by Polydactyl Cats in Philly! Each toy is approximately 3″ on each side. … Continue reading
Miso Handmade Gives Cats Their Just Deserts…or Macarons!

Macaron (or macaroon). A few years ago that word, to American’s at least, stood for one thing and one thing only – a somewhat polarizing, soft, beige coconut cookie. Those days are long gone. Replaced by a much more colorful … Continue reading
A Few of Our Favorite Things

We are behind in our product reviews so we are combining two of our (okay the cats’) favorite things. Metrix for success are as follows (in order of importance): An acceptable color palate (neutral, black, white or some sort of … Continue reading
Jake & Micah: Olives, Cookies and Sushi for Cats!

I’m all about cat toys and accessories that are an extension of my personality and aesthetic. So I was super excited when Mei Zaums, founder of Jake & Micah (and former NYC resident), offered to send one of her cat-nip … Continue reading
Review: Catnip Toys with Sass!

Sometimes I look around my apartment and am convinced I live with a toddler given the number of toys strewn up and down the stairs (not to mention the cat beds). Well thanks to OhBoyCatToy now your cat’s toys can … Continue reading