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Tamar began "I Have Cat" as a way to chronicle her life as a 30-something NYC singleton looking for love despite the complication of owning cat (s). Read about how it all began>>
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Tag Archives: Africa
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

In all fairness, I didn’t see any tigers or bears on my safari to Tanzania but I did see a ton of lions. And while I’ve written about my trip for various guest posts (Catster, CatWisdom101) I have yet … Continue reading
Flamingo Ballet

As I began weeding through the thousands of photos and videos my sister and I took during our African adventure I came across these flamingo images I just had to share. We’re so used to seeing flamingos standing on one … Continue reading
My Trip To Tanzania

I’m excited to share with you two guest posts from today on Catster and Cat Wisdom 101 featuring various aspects of my trip to Tanzania Africa. The Catster post compares “15 Ways Big Cats Are Just Like Our Little Cats,” … Continue reading