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Tamar began "I Have Cat" as a way to chronicle her life as a 30-something NYC singleton looking for love despite the complication of owning cat (s). Read about how it all began>>
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Tag Archives: advocacy
CATvertising with a Cause

Despite working in advertising, I’ve only written about commercials twice in my 2+ years of blogging. Once, about my obsession crush on the actor who played the Russian Oligarch in the DIRECTV spot I worked on, and another about a … Continue reading
What is “Less Adoptable” Anyway?

This guest post was written by Claudia Tietze, an amazing woman I had the opportunity to meet in the flesh in DC last year, after several months of corresponding online. I often wonder what “less adoptable” means. As the owner … Continue reading
Cat Sponsorship (The perfect last minute gift!)

Still haven’t purchased a gift for the animal lover in your family? Do not fear I HAVE CAT is here to help! There’s still time to give the gift of kitty sponsorship. Tabby’s Place is a cage-free sanctuary in New … Continue reading
Gifts That Give Back (to animals)

Maybe the person your shopping for this holiday doesn’t have pets, doesn’t like animal-themed items (I can relate to that), or (gasp) isn’t an animal lover. You can still get them beautiful handmade gifts that give back to animals (they’ll … Continue reading
Gifts for Cats (and their people)

Just in time for the holiday season, I HAVE CAT’s cat-lovers gift guide. Every single artist or company listed here either donates a percent of proceeds or their products to animal causes or cares for abandoned or feral animals. And … Continue reading
Clueless in Manhattan

I’m not an avid “Curb Your Enthusiasm” fan, but I’ve enjoyed quite a few episodes. So when I heard Jeff Garlin and Susie Essman were the headliners at “Unleash Yourself! A Night of Comedy to Benefit the ASPCA” I bought … Continue reading
Gone to the Dogs

I’d been eagerly awaiting Friday night all week and not just because it meant a few days off and seeing my daddy for Fathers Day. I’ve long been saying I have to get my self out of my comfort zone and … Continue reading
Help (stop littering)!

I know, I know, yesterday it was recycling and today littering. But it’s not the littering you’re thinking of, not the kind that’s bad for the planet. No, this is about littering that’s bad for animals. Thanks to Lady Bjork … Continue reading
Bottle Openers With A Cause

I want to introduce you to Ex Boyfriend. Not my ex boyfriend but a cool apparel company based in Baltimore Maryland featuring illustrations by artist Matt Snow. Not only is Matt a great artist, he’s an animal lover and advocate … Continue reading