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Tamar began "I Have Cat" as a way to chronicle her life as a 30-something NYC singleton looking for love despite the complication of owning cat (s). Read about how it all began>>
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Tag Archives: 9/11
Never Forget. I Remember.

My Father used to speak of remembering where he was when JFK was shot. Each generation has certain key historic moments seared into their brains. I remember where I was when the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan took place … Continue reading
In The Days That Followed 9/11

I couldn’t let the sun set on this day without paying tribute in some shape or form to that fateful day 13 years ago. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the number of years that have gone by. … Continue reading
September 11th Reprised

“It’s just a day for me now,” said my ex roommate, the one who lived with me on 9/11/2001. I was taken back by her response to my text to her saying I couldn’t believe twelve years had passed already. … Continue reading

A few weeks ago, while coordinating a night for my sister and I to have dinner with relatives in from the West Coast, I ran through the potential dates in my head. “September 10th is a Monday, but that … Continue reading
9/11: I Have Cat Remembers

On the T.V. screen, two black towers rising up between the broadcasters’ heads against an impossibly hopeful bright blue sky. A gash in the side of one from which a torrent of black smoke gushed forth. I called my friend Steven … Continue reading
9/11: The view from across the pond

Rebecca Slattery-Kavanagh, writer, animal lover and I HAVE CAT reader shares the perspective of someone working in London England ten years ago today. Outside of the US, the UK suffered more losses on 9/11/2001 than any other country. I don’t … Continue reading
Et Tu?

It started over the Labor Day Weekend. Magazines hit the stands with commemorative anniversary editions. NY1 seems to running heart-wrenching stories on a 24/7 loop. Even while making a grocery run to get ingredients for vegan lasagna Tuesday evening I was … Continue reading