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About I Have Cat
Tamar began "I Have Cat" as a way to chronicle her life as a 30-something NYC singleton looking for love despite the complication of owning cat (s). Read about how it all began>>
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Category Archives: Best of
Top 10 Posts of 2014

It’s always fun to take a look at the posts from the year to see which were most popular. And it gives readers a chance to catch-up on any “good stuff” they’ve missed along the way. This is particularly relevant … Continue reading
Best Of

I’ve long wanted to write a “Best of I Have Cat” post, and since I can’t fall asleep now seems as good a time as any! So whether you’re a long-time reader or a brand new fan, I hope … Continue reading
What’s In a Name

“It should be ‘I Have A Cat’ ” “We don’t have cats, they have us.” “Don’t you have more than one cat?” It seems the name of this blog has a few people scratching their heads (or ears?). Let me … Continue reading
Posted in Best of, Cats, Tamar
Of Meals and Men (1 of 3)

Is my love of good food so intense it could sabotage a potential relationship? Sure it sounds ridiculous, but a recent dating experience led me to examine the connection between man, woman and food. I met M___, a single lawyer … Continue reading
I Have (Fat) Cat

If you follow I HAVE CAT on facebook you know Petie had his annual check-up recently after being a year overdue. I’d been dragging my feet because the last time I took him in he weighed 18lbs and I was … Continue reading

Knowingly or not, we all start with a wish-list. In a safe neighborhood, close to work, southern light, hardwood floors, a full bath with tub, maybe a small study. A patio would be nice, but it’s gotta be under $1,700 … Continue reading

My friend J___ holds Hollywood accountable for her singleton status. She believes movies like “Sleepless in Seattle,” “16 Candles” and “Serendipity” ruined her life. These films gave her comfort that love was hiding just around the corner and would reveal … Continue reading
Posted in Best of, Relationships, Tamar
Tagged cliches, Family, having babies, life, relationships, single, stereotype, tamar
Late nights. Celebrity. Intrigue.

Yes, I speak of BlogPaws 2010. My friends encouraged me, dare I say some even admired me, for spending a weekend (in Ohio) with strangers. I “knew” a few people from the internet but only by name – or cat’s … Continue reading
Hare-Raising Tail

My eyes move from the massive close-up of a rabbit cornea projected on a screen to the middle age man sitting at my table hacking at the chicken breast on the plate before him. He looks up and I attempt … Continue reading
Posted in Best of, Flirting with Vegan, Tamar
Tagged cats, eating cats and dogs, flirting with vegan, tamar, vegan
Felines and Valentines

As some of you recall I made two New Year’s resolutions this year, reasoning that posting them in the blog sphere I’d somehow be held accountable. While I think I’ve been better at resolution A) talking to people on the … Continue reading
Covered in Cat Hair

It’s one thing to overcome the “cat lady” stereotype once you meet someone and they find out you have cats. But what if they can tell you have cats before they even meet you? A few years ago I was … Continue reading
Cats, The Gateway Animal

Cats and Marijuana. If you think they have nothing in common, you’re dead wrong. Cats. Innocuous at first …ditto marijuana. Once you’re hooked, there’s no going back …ditto marijuana. Introduce you to a whole world you never realized existed (ditto). Growing … Continue reading
Feline Mignon

I’ve had an on-again off-again relationship with meat over the years. I don’t come from family of carnivores but my mother was convinced a child required a certain amount of meat to get all the necessary nutrients. Small pieces of … Continue reading
Posted in Best of, Cats, Flirting with Vegan, Tamar
Tagged Alicia Silverstone, dogs, Eating Animals, eating cats and dogs, Jonathan Safran Foer, Skinny Bitch, vegan, vegetarian
(Cat)astrophic Thinking

Doctor Wagner rips the top page from her prescription pad and hands it to me. “Petie Arslanian” it says scrawled with blue ink in cursive along the top. I stare at it with a total lack of recognition, disoriented … Continue reading
Wanted: A Man Who Loves Pussy (cats)

I recently asked an ex why men love dogs given they personify all that is deemed undesirable in the opposite sex – needy, dependent, requiring constant validation, easily excitable, unable to contain emotions (not to mention the love of … Continue reading

One of the most unique challenges a New York City cat-owner faces is the question of where to put the litter box. Mudrooms, basements and laundry rooms often used to stash the necessary monstrosity are not part of our vernacular. … Continue reading
Posted in Best of, Cats, Relationships, Reviews
Tagged apartment living, cats, Litter box, litter robot, men, style
He Had Cat (s)

It was a chilly Saturday night in Chicago and I was snuggled up on my new beau’s sofa watching SNL when an alarmingly high-pitched “meeeeew!” called our attention from the awkward jig Ashley Simpson had broken into after having been … Continue reading
The Cat-Less Years

My childhood was relatively pet-free. We had goldfish (do they count?) and later Tigger, a hamster whose early demise it was insinuated I contributed to as a result of sporadic cage cleaning (I have yet to research if a hamster … Continue reading
The 2nd of 9 Lives

When I last saw my physician a year ago I recall joking that all I needed to fulfill the stereotype of the single NYC woman cliché was a cat. One year and two cats later I lay naked and shivering … Continue reading
Posted in Best of, Cats, Relationships, Tamar
Tagged cliches, dating, foster cats, humor, men, single, stereotype, unemployed
The Cat’s Meow

“There’s just something about him,“ my friend Nan muses. “Something sexy about the way carries himself. That nonchalant come-hither look he gives.” “Not traditionally good looking.” I add, “Inarguably on the chubby side. Like a sweet comforting teddy bear you … Continue reading
Posted in Best of, Cats, Relationships, Tamar
Tagged cats, dating, humor, men, stereotypes