This will be a short one, but I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2016.
The last few years have made me realize the importance of being healthy, and how easy it is to take for granted when we are well. My human family has gone through a lot the last few years in this regards but we have persevered. And I’m currently dealing with some health issues as they pertain to my four-legged family.
So I wish nothing more for you all than for you and your families – 2 and 4 legged – to be in good health for this years and many more to come.
On a lighter note, Petie (aka Petie Bear) has resolved to come out of the closet with his cross dressing (anyone who knows him knows how much he loves being in the closet. Literally.).
But seeing how popular Transparent has been this past year – the Amazon Prime show about a man who comes out as being transgender – there seems to be no better time than present!
In case you missed it, be sure to check out all the resolutions my cats made on New Years Eve 2015! It’s certainly entertaining that much I can promise!
I leave you this evening with a photo and very short video of the Empire State Building twinkling in an array of colors as New York City prepares for New Years Eve.
Take good care,
Tamar, Kip, Petie and Haddie

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