If you weren’t already aware, I’m excited to share with you that June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, which happens to coincide with the peak of what’s commonly referred to as “kitten season.”
As part of its “Building Better Lives” program, Purina Cat Chow has created an adoption drive incentive for 50 shelters – one in each state – to get at least 2,500 cats adopted this month by offering adoption subsidies totaling up to $75,000.
Better yet, we can all help ensure shelters gets the maximum amount of subsidies possible by sharing the stories of our rescue cats – who among doesn’t love talking about our furbabies? Just what I thought – read on!
Just share a short story of a cat rescue or adoption on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with a photo or video making sure the hashtag #MyRescueStory is included!
These are the Tweets about my three rescue babies!
For each story shared with the hashtag “MyRescueStory, Purina Cat Chow will provide $30 to subsidize a cat adoption (that’s 50 subsidized adoptions per shelter!)!
Below are a few additional examples from the CatChow.com website for inspiration! Now start sharing those stories and pics of your beautiful rescues! Don’t forget the hashtag!!!
For more information, visit catchow.com.
FTC Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by the makers of Cat Chow. Opinions expressed are that of my own, and I only write about topics I hope fans of I HAVE CAT will find entertaining or of use in some way! Or in this case, help cats find forever homes!

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