Okay, maybe not DRAG exactly but cats wearing makeup. I recently wrote a post for Cat Fancy online titled “Cat Blush: Cat Trend or Cat Terror” which garnered a lot of attention.
In the post I muse that we have done our best to emulate cats (cat eyes, cat nail stickers, nails shaped into claws, cat ears), are we now trying to make our felines look like us? Hope you check out the article – after you read this post!
There is some irony there given most make up is tested on animals. So one would assume it’s safe for them right? Not that I’m condoning it, I love cats just the way the are, but it’s just an observation.
Source: chub_bun
As I was researching that piece I came across pictures of all sorts of animals from dogs, rabbits to cats who’d been made to look like they were wearing makeup by using smart phone apps or Photoshop. Of course I had to give it a try.
First victim: Petie
Verdict: He looks like a Queen and not like the one in England!
I clearly had some practicing to do. The free app I found called Perfect365 didn’t recognize a “face” in any of my cat photos so I had to it all manually. Trial and error! In this case perhaps more error (though I’ve seen worse!).
Second victim: Haddie
Verdict: I thought I did a good job making her look “sexy” a la Bridget Bardot. Then SOMEONE had to go and say she looked like a HWOA (House Wife of Atlanta) and ruined it for me.
Which do you think she looks more like?
Third victim: Kip
Verdict: I think I did a good job on this one – subtle eyeshadow, lipstick in generally right area. Sadly I could only figure out how to do one eyebrow, but it’s a damn good one!
It turns out I’m rather late to the game when it comes to using apps or other software to doll-up one’s furkid given some of the Instagram posts I found were from over a year ago.
Sources: tanyamontalvo and sonja_belle
Have you ever used an app or something similar to put make-up on your cat? If so, feel free to post photos to the I HAVE CAT Facebook page, just be sure to note that it’s not real make-up! Is there an app you’d recommend?
What do you think we want to see our cats in make-up? The popularity of bow-ties and clothing for cats might suggest we’re trying to make them look like mini-me, are we just bored? Other thoughts/theories?
NOTE: Be sure to follow I HAVE CAT on Instagram you’ll find lots of great photos not found in my posts, Twitter or even Facebook! Don’t miss out! (handle: @ihavecat)

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