In Junior High my friends and I loved watching the classic movie musicals like “Singing In The Rain.” Why yes, I was in the local community acting group – funny you should ask!
While I loved the movie, I could never relate to rain as anything but a nuisance. Unless I’m on my way home versus en route to an overly air-conditioned meeting room, movie theater or in need of impressing someone – like on an interview or date (if I’m recalling correctly what a date is…).

I forgot to recreate the classic Gene Kelly pose on the lamp post…sigh, hopefully I’ll have a long umbrella modeling career with other opportunities for that one?
Enter The San Francisco Umbrella Company and their whimsical, well-made umbrellas. You’ve likely seen their cat umbrella online, but never with a 20% off discount! Yup! Read on my friends!
As you have probably guessed I like the simplicity of the graphic cat design. While I truly wanted to break out of my NYC bubble and go for something other than black (kindda loving the blue), I relented. They do match my rain boots…
Not only do they have the cat umbrella style I’m “modeling” in three color combinations (per photo above), they have a second cat pattern with two kitties seemingly chatting it up in the rain (photo below).
I have used the umbrella several times in the rain and it holds up very well – none of that turning inside out business we see so often in the city. It’s a “walking stick” umbrella (which I’m taking to mean it’s big! which it is!), and the wooden handle’s a nice touch too!
Don’t worry, if you have enough in the way of cats, they also have fabulous pig, rabbit, dogs (many breeds), deer, dolphin, giraffe and elephant umbrellas in an array of fun vibrant colors that may ALMOST make you forget it’s raining.
PLUS, use promo code IHAVECAT for 20% + free shipping as long as you have a US mailing address (shhhh, that makes it cheaper than the Amazon Prime price even!). Offer good through June 17th!
I’m trying to convince them to do a kitten with mama cat design and a long-haired cat. Who’s with me on this? Any other cat patterns you can think of?

9 Responses to It’s Raining Cats! (Well, Cat Umbrellas)