After posting the Tidy Cats® s Littervention contest, many of you expressed interest in finding out who ultimately won, why, and seeing before and after photos. Your wish is my command!
I literally pulled “head litter box decorator” Jenni Pulos (from Bravo’s hit show “Flipping Out”) mid re-design and had a chat with her from winner Lisa Totino’s apartment in Chicago.
As a bit of background, Lisa has a 13-year-old black rescue cat named Tia who you’ll see from photos and video has a visible cataract in her left eye.
Lisa (& Tia) was selected for several key reasons:
- She lives in a high-rise with no car, making lightweight litter an attractive option.
- Tia’s litter box was in Lisa’s bedroom. As any cat parent knows, it’s hard to sleep soundly when your cat’s digging to china (not to mention, it looked a bit makeshift – my words not Jenni’s!).
- Small living area posed a challenge for creating aesthetically pleasing and functional litter box area.
- Lisa’s apartment was in need of overall tidying (pun intended?) and organization.
The Littervention itself took two days. On the first day, painters began the stencil wall (it’s very time-intensive) and the Tidy Team along with Jenni went shopping to buy furnishings. On the second day, they pulled it all together!
I asked Jenni for tips we could all use when designing our litter box area and she shared these tidbits:
- “Incorporate pieces you love in nontraditional ways. A beautiful piece of china can be used as a cat bowl, re-purpose a wooded crate. Give it a purpose and it will add personality to the space.” (Plus, you can show them off instead of having them tucked away!)
- Important to keep in mind the dual purpose of aesthetics and functionality
- “Like trying on clothing price compare. Do your due diligence. For example, we went to a few Home Goods stores.”
- Measure your space, lay out a plan – just like buying a sofa
- “For smaller spaces thing of how you can use surfaces creatively, like using AstroTurf.”
In the end Lisa was beyond pleased, “I’m so thankful to Jenni and the Tidy Cats team for creating a beautifully organized space that gives Tia her privacy and me my apartment. Now the only way people know I have a cat is by seeing her instead of seeing or smelling her litter box.”
Additionally, Lisa was awarded a year’s supply of Tidy Cats LightWeight cat litter. And, stay tuned because Tidy Cats is going to award 5 I HAVE CAT readers with:
- A jug of Tidy Cats LightWeight Instant Action
- Plus a full-value coupon
So be sure you’re signed up to get I HAVE CAT alerts so you don’t miss out when we post how to enter to win! (sign up for emails right-hand column – no spam ever!).
NOTE: As an added bonus, Tidy Cats is making a donation to the shelter Tia was adopted from as a way to say ‘thank you’ for taking care of her until she found Lisa. Awwwwwww!
If you want to check out the actual Littervention and see more of the before and after, watch the video below!
About Tidy Cats® LightWeight offers all the strength of traditional Tidy Cats but weighs half as much as traditional clumping litter.
FTC Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, which means that I was compensated to feature this content. Regardless of payment received, I HAVE CAT only posts topics they believe their readers will find of interest.

6 Responses to Littervention Winner: Before & After (Plus Tips for All!)