Your man or woman still there? Is this a good thing? If so he or she is obviously the right one for you – run to the closest city hall!
Not a good thing? Perhaps these last few tips will give the final nudge.
Purchase (or borrow) this sofa:

It’s unclear if the ladder to the left is for the cats to play on or a human escape route (source unknown)
When your date tries to make a polite escape to text for help in the bathroom make sure your since looks like this:
It’s a good thing he or she can’t use it anyway because this is the only soap you have (cat food scented soap, it’s for real!):
If these final suggestions do not help and there is still a man or woman in your life you want gone, perhaps you must turn to an old fashioned time-tested method. You, can’t go out because it’s the night you brush your cat.
I hope you’ve had a little fun with these posts and I haven’t lost any fans (I’m trying not to check!). Have a great rest of your Sunday. With your cats of course!
=^^= =^^= =^^=
Stay tune, we have a great giveaway for you tomorrow!
Also wanted to share some exciting news! We reached our GOFUNDME goal to help out Claudia, our intrepid animal lover and advocate! Thanks to all who donated and shared!

7 Responses to Day #7 How to Lose a Date in 7 Days