Having been out for a run together, or perhaps just drinking in the sun all day, your date decides he or she will take a quick shower.
Or not.
Does your cat enjoy water like most of these seem to? I cannot imagine it. I did try to bathe Kip once. I think we were both scarred – me physically, him emotionally.
I woke up and was blown away to see we are only $175 away from goal to help my friend Claudia and her 3 kitties including Tiny Timmy.
Claudia has worked tireless despite her physical limitations to keep animals – dogs and cats – protected from toxic over the counter flea and tick medicines. More info/details on the GO FUND ME page.
Skip a latte & donated $5 or just share! Tons of awesome prizes were generously donated by folks you will recognize and a brand new $10 incentive from Tiny Timmy himself!!! Thanks!

10 Responses to Day #5: How How to Lose a Mate (or Date) in 7 Days