If you’re like most internet cat fans you know and love Cole and Marmalade * dearly. We were fortunate to have Chris Poole, their Cat Dad, in our CAT MAN MONDAY column last year (he cares for big cats during the day so definitely check out the post – bonus extra cute pics!).
Well, if you haven’t yet seen the video created and posted by Chris two days ago you’re in for a lovely, uplifting surprise. Enjoy and happy early Valentines Day to you and your kitties!
Oh how I long for the slow blink from one of my cats…sigh…do your cats give you those sweet blinks?
So how my cats say I LOVE YOU to me:
- I’d like to think Kip says “I Love You” with his “head-bonks,” but he tends to head-bonk inanimate objects as well so I guess that means I’m right up there with Honey Bunches of Oats! So perhaps it’s the way he let’s me spoon him at night (have yet to see him do that with my Almond Milk!).
- Petie shows it by not running away and leading me up to my bed for “special time” (specific Petie-predetermined periods of time I’m allowed to pet him).
- I believe Haddie is saying it when she squeezes in under my arm when I’m typing and plops down and when she decides to exfoliate my cheeks with a tongue bath when I’m trying to sleep!
How do your cats express their love to you? Do you “pay” for it?
*Sweet Marm was diagnosed with cancer and it turns out he is FIV+ but seems to be in good health thank goodness!

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