…with a pipe, but let’s just assume it’s for catnip for the purposes of this post (we don’t condone tobacco products for kitty and doubt Paul and Joe does either!).
As regular IHC blog readers know I’m rather picky when it comes to featuring cat-themed parapenalia. However, cat socks, under-garments, make-up and make-up bags – all which can be concealed are deemed “acceptable” in my book. I realize it’s totally arbitrary and I admit I’ve been spotted in a cat-sweatshirt and do wear cat t-shirts under my sweaters frequently. Little known fact, I’m a model for a cat sweatshirt on an Etsy site- can you guess the brand?
Before the dawning of Choupette (sorry sweet fluffy thing) and Shupette, adorable kitty themed make-up has been brought to us by Paul & Joe Beauté. In fact, a few years ago they made a compact with the imprint of a cat that is most definitely Petie. Who knew Petie had a modeling career on the side (only a “big boned” mancat would get away with that – so unfair!)

Petie has no interest in this product given it doesn’t sport his likeness. Sorry Charlie – can’t win them all!
The latest Paul & Joe Beauté kitty addition for the Spring 2015 collection is a Pressed Powder Compact that comes with a sweet matching carrying case sporting the afore mentioned pipe-weilding cat giving the a combination cute and kick-ass feel.
Given it’s my sister who’s the make-up artist I cannot speak as eloquently to the benefits of the product suffice to say I tried the lighter version and enjoyed it because it didn’t leave my skin feeling dry or looking like Marcel Marceau (google it).
According to the product information I was provided what I experienced is in fact what they intended. A power that,“…works to absorb excess oil…keeping skin silky and shine- free,” yet has yummy sounding ingredients like Orange Flower Water, Rosemary Extract and White Lily Extract that I want to eat (is that wrong?) that apparently “work together to hydrate the skin.”
The compact comes in a lighter “pale pink” designed to “improve the complexion and emphasize clarity” and a multi-beige shade that is meant to match any skin tone. But let’s call a spade-a-spade, I really like the design of the compact and the matching protective bag. Of course it doesn’t hurt it’s a super high quality natural-base.
I was curious why Paul & Joe Beauté can’t seem to stay away from cats. It turns out founder Sophie Mechaly has always been a huge cat fan and wanted them when she was little. As fate would have it, it turns out she’s allergic. So she gets her kitty fix by plastering them all over her designs instead. Goody for us!
And now the bad news. Sorry, but you will have to wait a bit because this compact will be available in April 2015 on BeautyHabit.com Well, “they” say patience is a virtue (sadly not a virtue I posses myself!).
Have you ever purchased kitty products from Paul & Joe Beauté before? Do you find their packaging as adorable as I do?

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