Valentine’s Day “season” seems to be popular for giveaways I guess it’s another occasion for gift-giving? We really have to do something about that dry spell between February and December! Unless you are fortunate enough to have your birthday during that time as a “filler” or have a family super into Easter or May Day baskets!
What began as a giveaway post has become a combo CAT WOMAN WEDNESDAY + Giveaway article! So I hope you enjoy all aspects of it!

If you are a US resident or have someone to ship to in the US, you could win one of these t-shirts!Interesting photo…why standing so far apart hmmm…sexual tension perhaps?!! (I know, I know, I’m bad!)
As you SHOULD know by now if you read my blog regularly, I’m not into cat-themed clothing though I seem to be “slipping” and have made concessions for tote-bags and socks recently….what’s next?!
Well, when I saw these t-shirts by “Living the Meow, Cat T-Shirts with a Mission.” I had to share them with you. I love the cat-twist they’ve added to a message we’ve all heard before. One we all know we should do more often, but something – at least for me – is not always easy to integrate into ones life as routine.
And of course I love the fact the company was started by CAT WOMAN Avani Khanna, currently living single in the Bay Area – with cat!
All purchases from “Living in the Meow“(they have several t-shirt colors and styles and a tote too!), help support cat adoption by donating a portion of profits to Friends of Berkeley Animal Care Services. A group that helps shelter cats become more adoptable, so the more you purchase, the more cats get adopted (a great excuse to shop early for Christmas 2015!). They also partner with Cat Town Cat Cafe where their products are sold.

Nutmeg personally approving all inventory =^^= (I’m sure you can request cat hair with that t-shirt you order!)
You can enter the giveaway at the end of this post – pink t-shirt for the ladies and grey for the men! Of course if you are a lady that really wants grey, or a man who wants pink, I’m sure Avani will accommodate (US residents or a US mail address required!).
Now here’s the story of today’s CAT WOMAN WEDNESDAY Avani Khanna and how “Living in the Meow” got started, thanks to her adopted cat Nutmeg.
“I met Nutmeg, the inspiration behind my passion-project-gone-wild,“Living in the Meow,” when volunteering at Berkeley Animal Care Services Shelter. She was gorgeous with tabby markings. She was a little withdrawn and clearly unhappy to be at the shelter. She’d been left in the overnight box with her kittens and her brother. They estimated she was only a year old when she had the kitties.
We bonded, and that night I decided to adopt her! The next day I went and got her, and they sent me home with a kitty in a little cardboard carrier.
I’ll never forget the feeling of being totally responsible for a living being, as I heard her mews in the car on the way home. My heart opened, and it’s been an amazing joy to share our many good times.
She’s part Maine Coon but unlike a typical Maine Coon she’s small, which can happen when cats are young moms. I’ll let her photos speak for themselves and don’t need to mention how cute she is! >^..^<
The funny thing is that I thought I was bringing home a shy, short haired cat, but in the months that followed, her short hair grew out long! And when friends came over, she happily approached them to meet and make friends!
I grew up with cats. My first cat, ‘A La Carte’, showed up at the back door and never left. He was a grey longhair and used to cat-bathe on the ironing board so voraciously that his own momentum would knock him off!
But it’s Nutmeg who’s taught me about love, which maybe isn’t that hard a lesson since she is so easy to love. If I give her attention and good food and keep her litter box clean, she delights me with her displays of self-entertainment, gallivanting around, and she loves to cuddle, which is extra nice with a fluff ball Maine Coon mix.
She’s also taught me about being in the moment. How to live in the “meow.” She often sits staring into space, or calmly curled up on her paws doing nothing. I see through her example the peace that can be experienced doing little. Just sit, and be.
It’s sad, but many cats needing homes don’t get adopted. Because of where I got Nutmeg, we donate a portion of profits to the Friends of Berkeley Animal Care Services, which helps the shelter cats become more adoptable. We also partner with Cat Town Cafe on merchandise sales in their cafe (They just hit 100 adoptions in less than 3 months, which is so awesome!).
Last fall I quit my corporate job to pursue my passion project full time. It’s been exciting, scary and incredibly fulfilling.
The ‘Living in the Meow’ flagship design was inspired by a photo I took of Nutmeg. A friend commented that she looked like she was living in the now, and I said. ‘she’s living in the meow.’
It’s been incredible to work hard on something that brings positivity into the world. The design features cute kitty Nutmeg (not that I’m biased!), and a simple reminder to be present, enjoy the inner peace that’s available right here, right meow, all while helping more cats get adopted.
I love this shirt! I hope that all the cat lovers out there will feel the same way.”
Here’s how to win that awesome shirt Avani was talking about! Make sure to take advantage of all the ways there are the enter so you can optimize your chances of winning!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Had to end with this cute video of a very happy Nutmeg very much “Living in the Meow”! Let’s all be more like cats and appreciate and take pleasure in the little things!
A video posted by Living In The Meow (@livinginthemeow) on

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