It’s October, election season is once again upon us and the sun is entrenched in the astrological sign of Libra. Represented by the cosmic scales of justice, Libra is the ruling sign of those born between September 23rd and October 22nd.
The Libra Cat
Ruled by the planet Venus, it’s no wonder Libra cats are natural-born charmers. Venus’s influence as a ruling planet manifests a desire for harmony and a meaningful connection with others. Libra’s intellect and solution-oriented nature prompt them to be the resident peacemaker of your home.
Your other cats may hiss at your date when he swings by for a nightcap, but Libra cat will be first in line to proffer a diplomatic paw and broker a truce in the interest of détente.
While Libra cats are whip-smart and charismatic, they’re also a little bit vain and indecisive. Indecision is a hallmark of many an air sign like Libra –those scales tend to teeter back and forth every so often.
This can be seen in action when testing one shopping bag or cardboard box against another. Libra cats may be great at solving other’s problems, but when it comes to weighing their options, they often come up short.
Hmm… diplomatic, goes back-and-forth on important issues, charming, thrives on the approval of others. Sounds familiar? A politician perhaps?
It’s no surprise that some of history’s most famous political figures have been born under the sign of Libra.
With this in mind, and election season just around the corner, you might think about what political role your Libra kitty would take if he or she had the ability to make a power play that didn’t involve your living room sofa.
Saddle-up and prepare to be your kitty’s campaign manager as we explore the options.
And enjoy the photos sent it by I HAVE CAT readers with Libra kitties!
The Politics of Purring
Regardless of whether your cat wants to rule the world outright, or help create positive change, the key to your Libra cat’s political career lies in knowing his personal strengths – and kitty character flaws. Case in point, look to the long political career of Humphrey, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office who served under three British prime ministers including fellow Libra Margaret Thatcher.
While Humphrey’s date of birth and “gotcha date” are left to the ages, the Chief Mouser took “office” in October 1989, marking his reign (and territory) under the ruling sign of Libra.
Your kitty’s dominant characteristics will help define which political office for which he or she would be best suited.
Delightful Diplomat
If your cat has a yen for finding the peaceful path of least resistance and uniting others under a common cause like fellow Libras Gandhi and Jimmy Carter – more treats for all! He or she can pursue the path of the diplomat.
From staging a passive sit-in on the kitchen countertop until Savory Salmon treats have been deployed to tabbies and calico cats alike; to playing peacemaker between aloof Siamese cats and overly playful Pomeranians, these diplo-cats have a natural talent for bringing out the best in others.
Kitty Cult of Personality
While Libra cats are known for their diplomacy, their vain slightly self-centered side can lead them to amassing a cult of personality. Depending on how far the cosmic Libra scales are tipped they can go from “diplomat” to “dictator” faster than you can say “turbo scratcher.”
Their charm and charisma can bring loyal allies to these Libra cats – as demonstrated by Libras Vladimir Putin and Britain’s dearly departed Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher.
However, their vanity may lead them to believe that their political agenda is best for all, tossing democracy out with last week’s kitty litter.
Purring Patriot
If your Libra cat’s scales tip towards the more commanding end of the spectrum, he or she may be suited to be a patriotic states-cat in the tradition of rabble-rouser Samuel Adams; Caesar Augustus, the first emperor of Roman Empire; and General-turned-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, all born under the sign of Libra.
If you see your Libra cat giving inspiring trills, meows, and purrs to a line-up of stuffed fuzzy mice, this is the political path that suits them best.
Want to know more about the intriguing nature of your Libra cat? Chat with a psychic at Hollywood Psychics to find out what’s on tap for your Libra cat now or in the very near future.

Upper left going clockwise: Gizmo (Chelsi Stewart’s kitty), Purdy (cat of Samantha Valentine), Ruby Lynn Irwin (fur-baby to Shannon Irwin) and Tim & Tom (Jeanne Kudich’s cat)
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