September is in full swing, as is the school year. Between August 23rd and September 22nd the sun moves into the astrological sign of Virgo, which is, coincidentally, one of the most studious signs of the zodiac.

VIRGO KITTIES! Left to Right clockwise: Heather Henry’s wine-loving cat Mr. Sabrina, Lee N Charlie’s cat Murphy, Boo Boo, Sophie’s cat “The Time Thief”
The Virgo Cat
Practical. Pragmatic. Intellectual. The Virgo feline has no time for shenanigans. This cat is all business, all the time. This isn’t a bossy cat, but the boss cat. (It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Beyonce is a Virgo, too). Whether passing silent judgment on you for hitting snooze on your alarm, or assessing your ability to accurately pour the correct amount of food at mealtime, your Virgo cat does not have time for nonsense. It’s nothing personal. It’s just how they roll.
Virgo is an Earth sign, making these cats more grounded and even-keel than other cats. Fire sign temper flare ups? Fits of whimsy from kittens born under Air signs? Perish the thought! The Virgo cat is an introvert who prefers to hang back and observe their surrounds and those in them. Yet, when they do choose to “speak,” everybody in the room turns to hear what they have to say.

Left to Right clockwise: Gretchen Hunter’s kitty Lucy, Shayna’s cat Charles Darwin, Shirley’s cat Oliver
These felines also have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge across a variety of subjects. Their interests are varied, and it can be difficult to pin down just one area where they excel. Combining their businesslike nature with their zest for knowledge, if your Virgo cat were to attend university, there is no doubt they would graduate Summa Cum Laude and land a great job upon graduation!
Playing Guidance Counselor to Your Virgo Cat
Come on in, have a seat. The couch or the cat tree is just fine. Let’s cut to the chase, what do you want to do with your life? You’ve got bigger goals than just filling the litter box and staring out the window. I see hunger for world domination in your eyes, in the twitch of your whiskers. What’s it going to be? What do you want to major in and parlay into a successful career?

Left to right clockwise: Jackie Gooding’s Otis, Moonbeam Jillybean, Lee N Charlie This is Oscar, Rena’s cats Joey and Kipper
- Curiosity Didn’t Kill the Cat: Physics Major
Forget Schrodinger’s cat. Virgo cats would much prefer to be the ones calling the shots and working out complex theories of physics than being an accessory to someone else’s theory. The next time your cat knocks one of your house plants off its ledge, remember: she’s just conducting an experiment.
- For the Pensive Pussycat: Philosophy Major
If a cat hides her face and doesn’t see her human, does her human see her? Your Virgo cat’s penchant for deep thoughts may lead them to major in Philosophy. She’d be in good company, considering that both John Locke and German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel were both born under the astrological sign of Virgo. Just picture your Virgo feline holed up in a kitty café, discussing neo-philosophical subjects with fellow intellectuals – like Hamilton the Hipster Cat whose “gotcha date” is in September, making him a Virgo kitty.
- For the Artistic Virgo Cat: Photography Major
Like Cooper the Photographer Cat (born on September 17th! Another Virgo!), Virgo felines take their inspiration from the world around them. They are renowned for their attention to detail. Their meticulous nature dictates that everything must be, “just so.” Those claw marks on the drapes? They’re no accident. Chances are your Virgo cat thoughtfully mulled over whether your drapes should be clawed vertically or horizontally for hours, making him or her a natural fit for a major in Photography or the Fine Arts.
- Claw Your Way to the Top: Business Major
Uber-analytical? Able to size-up a room in less time than it takes to groom themselves? Demonstrates innovation by thinking outside-the-box while still going IN the box itself? These qualities come naturally to Virgo cats and are the makings of a successful entrepreneur. Whether they’re exercising their negotiating skills and bargaining for more canned food versus dry or displaying their killer instinct to the Board (read: you and your houseguests) when pouncing on the stuffed mouse in the living room, your Virgo cat is born to be a Business major a la fellow Virgos Warren Buffett and Vince McMahon.
Want to learn more about the intriguing nature of your Virgo cat? Chat with one of the psychics at Hollywood Psychics. Schedule a phone or online consultation to discover more about what’s in store for your Virgo cat now and in the near future.
This post is sponsored by Hollywood Psychics.. I am being compensated for posting the monthly cat horoscopes. I HAVE CAT only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers.

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