As you may be aware, an astrological event of cosmic proportions recently took place. No, not the Summer Solstice, we’re talking about Lil Bub’s birthday – she turned 3! – which does coincidentally fall on the same day as the Solstice (the first day of Summer). Happy Belated Birthday, Bub!
June 21st not only marked the birth of the adorable “perma-kitten,” but was the first day of the Cancer astrological sign (June 21st – July 22nd)).
Summer brings with it hot days, warm nights, and thoughts of “Sandy-‘n’-Danny-esque*” summer love (*That’s a reference to the movie “Grease” with John Travolta and Oliva Newton John for those of you born in the 80s!)
Summer love, much like your cat, can be pretty fickle. Seasonal flings tend to burn bright and go into a state of dormancy after a few short months. Going from hot to cold (and sometimes back again) in a New York minute. Your cat may share similar attributes with your summer fling, such as unquenchable desires for your unmitigated attention, followed by an extended period of giving you the brush-off like you were lint from last season’s cropped blazer.
The question remains: After your summer fling has ended, will your Cancer cat be the kind of kitty who will sit by your side, joining you for a Netflix marathon of “Orange Is the New Black”, or will he or she continue to live rent-free in your apartment and ignore you as you move onto your next relationship?
The Cancer Cat
Since Cancer is a cardinal water sign, it is typically associated with a deep “reservoir” of emotions. This characteristic holds especially true for the Cancer cat. Still waters run deep in these felines; a simple “meow” can contain worlds of meaning.
Deciphering whether the meaning behind that meow is bad or good is the tough part. If you’ve ever wronged a Cancer cat, you’d better believe that meow has passive aggressive intent. They never forget a thing.
However, given their strong emotional nature, the Cancer cat can also be a very loyal companion. They are true homebodies and crave all the comforts of home: a comfy bed, good food, and the love of the human they have learned to trust. If any of these creature comforts are taken away from them, these sensitive cats will sulk and hide in their favorite secluded spot.
Relationship Building 101: How to Earn the Trust of Your Cancer Cat
The summer sunshine brings many other animals out to enjoy the bright weather. You may find most cats enjoying a taste of summer stretched out on a perch or cat tree near a sunny window. But not the Cancer cat. These shy creatures will remain in hiding, avoiding most of the other humans and animals who came out to play.
However, once the sun goes down they’ll run around as if controlled by the moonlight. (Ironic, when you consider Cancer’s ruling planetary entity is the moon). If you too exhibit night owl tendencies, this will be your best chance to connect and spend time with them.
When spending time with a Cancer cat, provide them with their favorite treats. Food is one of the best ways to a Cancer cat’s heart. Also, provide them with consistency. If they learn to expect you at certain times and places they’ll become more comfortable and you’ll stand a stronger chance at earning their trust. Once a Cancer cat trusts you, they are loyal for life.
In conclusion, long after your summer fling has rolled up its beach blanket for the season, you can count on your Cancer cat to hang with you for the long haul. If you’re looking for a cat that will “give you some space” as you move past your summer romance, look to the fiercely independent Leo or Sagittarius cat. They’ll be happy to ignore you.
If you would like to learn more insight into the deep waters behind your Cancer cat’s meow, you can also always chat with a phone psychic at Hollywood Psychics to gain some additional insight!

Cancer cat and IHC fan Hanna Inkwell (pet parent Jennifer Halbert)

Cancer kitty with a super long name – Dexter Murder Muffin Furness (pet parent Jodie Rules)
Do you have a Cancer kitty? Does he or she fit the description above? Tell us about your Cancer kitty in the comments section!

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