I don’t usually post YOUTUBE videos but I couldn’t resist posting this one from The Pet Collective. If you’ve never seen the real show, “Orange is The New Black,” before perhaps this will inspire you to watch it.
The second season of the Netflix original series started on June 6th. If you’re not familiar with the show – I can’t imagine you wouldn’t be, but just speaking hypothetically – I’ll give you a quick run-down.
Premise: It’s based (potentially loosely) around the life of a WASPY girl named Piper who, on the cusp of getting married into an equally WASPY family, is busted for a drug-run she executed in her college days, a good twenty years earlier.
Twist: It seems seemingly perfect and proper Piper had a lesbian affair back-in-the-day with a drug-ring leading girlfriend named Alex. On only one occasion she transports drug money in a suitcase for Alex and ends up paying dearly by ending up in an awful looking orange jumpsuit. Or maybe it’s a two-piece. I’m not quite that sure.
Twist #2: Which I believe is the totally made-up part but makes for good television, they end up at the same prison together).
But don’t worry, if you haven’t yet watched the season premiere (like yours truly), this video, “Orange is the New Black Cat” (also referred to as “Tabby is the New Cat”), isn’t a spoiler. Think of it as a primer. And if you’re not familiar with the show it’s 2 minutes of ridiculously adorable kittens. Now really, when has that ever been a waste of time? Enjoy!
If per chance this did entice you to give the show a look, than here is a character guide so you don’t get confused when watching the human version.

Piper kitten (l), Piper human (r) – Good casting. You’d see it if I’d found a better photo of Piper.

Galina kitten (l), Galina human (r) – meh, a C for casting. The knife is a nice touch (Galina’s the cook)
I’m seriously thinking about canceling my cable. It’s so crazy expensive and I hardly ever watch. But I do enjoy “Nurse Jackie” and “The News Room.”
How many of you have cable? And who out there watches “Orange is the New Black”?

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