Fancy Feast is celebrating the “Daily Fancies” of having a cat on their new Tumblr site. What’s a “Daily Fancy” you ask? It’s about the little things our cats do that bring joy to our lives each and every day – our favorite daily moments with them.
A Daily Fancy might be taking selfies with your cat, taking them on a walk (if they tolerate a harness!), or just snuggling up in bed before you fall asleep.
My “Daily Fancy” is meditating with my cats. When recently started meditating each morning, the thought of having my cats participate was the furthest thing from my mind. Imagine my surprise to find a cat on my lap halfway through my practice!
This may not seem like a big deal to many of you, but my cats have never been lap cats, so this was something new! As I continued my practice I noticed that if one of my cats wasn’t on my lap, they were usually in the immediate vicinity.
I find myself petting them during meditation, though I’m not sure I’m supposed to (!), but it helps ground me and it absolutely makes me feel closer to them (plus it feels nice!).
They say animals feel our stress, so it only makes sense that when I meditate my cats would be less stressed and more relaxed as well. It’s pretty neat to think that by helping myself I’m helping my cats as well. And we get a little bonding time to boot!
Meditating with my cats is my “Daily Fancy.”
What’s yours?

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