Welcome to our new monthly column where we have fun trying to predict and make sense of the often quirky actions of our feline companions. The pet psychics at Hollywood Psychics are here to help us understand the actions of our pets simply by using the stars!
With May underway, and the weather warming up, we’re can’t help but think about the upcoming three-day weekend…and BBQs – make mine vegetarian please!
The Gemini Cat
Cats born under the Gemini sign (between May 21st and June 21st) share their human counterpart traits; “the twins” give them distinctly different personalities that often create a “Jekyll and Hyde” situation. One moment your cat can be swatting at you as you try to rub their head, and next they’ll be rubbing against your leg asking for more (and more, and more, and more…).
The plus side of the Gemini cat is that despite the sometimes inconsistencies in which version of themselves they are, they are a very intelligent cat. They know what they want and will often try to communicate with their human friends to convey that. If you live with your Gemini cat long enough, you will begin to notice which particular meow means what (like, “Look at ME” vs. “Stop petting me”).
To add to the varying and fickle nature of this cat zodiac sign, they also have boundless energy and are notorious for holding onto their kitty energy longer than most. They will want your attention one minute and be running off the next. Hey, I know some human guys like that!
With a Gemini cat it takes a lot of patience to:
- Understand what their specific “meow” is meant to tell (time will help you learn their language).
- Know that sometimes (often) they won’t want to cuddle when you want to and would rather run around.
- Accept that when your watch goes missing or something on a table is on the floor…it was likely them.
The Gemini Cat as a Memorial Day BBQ Date
Though the month just kicked off, it’s never too early to start thinking about a date for the Memorial Day BBQ! Being single and a cat lady (or cat-man) could make social functions awkward, but not to fear – your cat is here! At the risk of looking like that awesome (semi-crazy), unique person who straps their cat into a harness and takes them places, here’s what you can expect if you decide to venture out into the social realm with your Gemini “partner.”
The Good: With its exuberant energy, the Gemini cat will be very social with the other BBQ guests. They will walk up to many and give their allocated affection out freely, to whomever (read: FLIRT). When not wandering and playing with the crowd, the cat will be chasing something or putting on an act that will also provide some great entertainment (read: FLIRT).
The Bad: On the contrary, your Gemini cat can also cause some real headaches. If Mr./Miss Gemini is in cross mood, you will need to ensure you keep an eye on them the entire time. If they see plates or a pitcher of drink they don’t feel should be there, expect to see the offending object on the ground. Making sure the cat isn’t knocking anything over or scratching/swatting at someone they aren’t comfortable with are just a few things you will need to consider with a Gemini cat as your BBQ date. But hey, it can’t be worse than a dud, anti-social or ill-mannered human date right?
The Bottom Line. If you’re considering a Gemini cat as your Memorial Day BBQ date: use caution. There’s no saying which side they’ll decide to show at the party, and the only thing you can do is preparing to keep your eyes on their every move (I’m sure we’ve all dated people like that before). If you want to learn some deeper details on your particular cat, you can also always call a pet psychic for further insight!
NOTE: We’d originally wanted to start this column last month, and several of you shared photos of your April born babies. But as we all know, sometimes things don’t always go as planned. That being said, we’d like to give a tip of the hat to those cats who celebrated their birthdays in April.
Although you April cats may have been rather feisty throughout the month (save Grumpy Cat of course), doing anything to be first – first to the litter box, first to the food bowl, or first up the drapes. For all your individuality and bravado, you crave reassurance from us and even your siblings (come on, admit it). We love the companionship you provide and the constant positive impressions you leave on friend and family.
We hope you enjoyed our new feature. Let us know your thoughts – especially if you have a Gemini furry. And DEFINITELY tell us if you take him or her to this year’s BBQ!
***The information contained within this post was provided by Psychic Source. I HAVE CAT was nominally remunerated for the posting of this content.***

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