If you follow my personal Facebook page or the I HAVE CAT Instagram account it will come as no surprise to hear that I’ve been slightly….okay very obsessed with “The Big Egg Hunt” that’s been going on in NYC (sponsored by Faberge for charity).

“Hello.” says Petie the Easter Bunny,”I refuse to make eye contact with anyone, but I hope you get lots of candy in your baskets. I wonder what I’ll be getting….MOM?!?!”
It was essentially one big Easter Egg hunt with an iPhone app to help you find the 260 two foot tall eggs hidden all over the city. Each egg created by a different artist or design firm. I loved trekking to parts of the city I may not normally go to just to find another egg!
The App wasn’t exact so it entailed going into swank hotels and boutiques like Jimmy Choo to ask if they had an egg. Sometimes you’d get a blank stare, and other times you’d run into somebody super helpful who’d direct you across the street or around the corner to exactly where the egg could be found. For the most part everyone was very friendly, even if they hadn’t a clue what you were talking about!

“I think these teeth make me look a little silly but I’ll play along because it makes Mom happy and I’m a good boy. Usually.”
The hunt ended on Thursday at which point I had 90 eggs in my virtual “basket.” They are all now all on display at Rockefeller Center until April 25th.
It only seemed appropriate that my Easter message to you incorporate those eggs, that have been taking up so much of my time lately. So the eggs that ring my message above to you all were all photographed by me during my egg quest!

“I don’t know about these other fools but I only deal in gold eggs. They’re a cat lady’s best friend you know. Well after diamonds.”
For those of you who did not see the photos I’ve been posting I thought I’d share a few with you here today. It seems appropriate given it is Easter after all! Enjoy!

One of the first eggs I put in my “basket” as it’s so close to my home. I love this shot because of the Flatiron building in the background.

Another favorite given I grew up with my Mom reading Babar to me. It was outside the Plaza Athenee where the lovely bellhop told us about their Wednesday evening free jazz shows. I certainly plan on checking that out!

Love this egg. Don’t recall where we found it because it was on the last day and they had moved most of the eggs to Rock Center or to places other than where they were supposed to be. We were excited to see this in the window!

This is the Kate Moss egg by Bruce Weber and it was outside the NoMad Hotel near Madison Square Park.

This egg was made completely of candy and was in the Dean and DeLuca store in Soho. I’m surprised they didn’t have it under glass. But I guess people were touching it so doubtful anyone would want to eat it!

This egg made of Legos was hidden for David Letterman to find (it was at the Time Warner Center). I’m trying to figure out if that’s Dave himself. Hard to tell.

Some of the eggs “nesting at Rockefeller Center on Friday. They’ll be there until the 25th. I’ve yet to see all of them. Thinking of going at night in hopes there are less people!

This egg had been at the MET before it came to Rockefeller Center. I would have loved to have seen it there.

Me and the Statue of Liberty Egg – another one I’d really wanted to find but ran out of time. I probably should have taken my glasses off for the picture!

FINALLY, I FOUND WALDO. Well, I think it’s cheating if it’s at Rockefeller Center but I was still happy to see him. He was the only egg that travelled throughout the hunt. He was even in Staten Island one day – I’ve never been to Staten Island!
I hope you enjoyed my sampling of photos. Have a wonderful day. Enjoy your friends and families and gee, I can’t wait to get back to see the rest of these eggs (I have a problem!).

13 Responses to HAPPY EASTER (Egg Hunt)!