Cats are proud creatives who would have you believe they are as close to perfection as any creature can be. But on this day of love, on Valentine’s Day, we wonder, if they turned to the world of online dating, would they make the same mistakes us mere humans do in an effort to impress?
We most certainly think they would, and here are the top 11 mistakes we’re quite sure they’d fall prey to (as most humans do).
1) Profile photo with poor attempt at cropping out ex
2) Hat guy (you have no idea what’s under there)
3) Scenery photo guy (yeh, we get it, you travel)
4) Cat who looks like this online…..
…and this in person.
5) Cat with a professional headshot (good for you, you have a job)
6) Too many selfies (or any selfies for that matter)
8) Obligatory hairy chest shot
9) I’m-good-with-kids-guy (whose kids are those anyway? It’s always hard to tell)
10) Profile with above-the-neck shots only….
…who looks like this below the neck.
11) Hot tub guy (with underage kittens no less)
For those of you who have experienced the horrors of online dating. Which ones did we miss? I’m sure there must be at least a few! Heck, we can always make a part two!

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