WARNING: You may want to cover your kitty’s eyes for this particular post.
As the publishers themselves describe on the back cover, “Sex Position Coloring Book”
is the silliest yet most most informative sex book a man and a woman and a box of crayons have ever shared.” I guess sex is fun (from what I distantly recall) and coloring is fun, so why not put the two together?!
I did warn you that these giveaways were going to get a little sexy-time. But in all fairness, Valentine’s Day is coming up and it is a sexy holiday.
THREE lucky (and sexy) I HAVE CAT readers will win a copy of the Sex Position Coloring Book PLUS, the publisher is throwing in a box of crayons for each winner! (US only sorry!).
To give you an idea of what you’ll be practicing your artistic skills on see below (kitties below used for purposes of modesty).
The names of the positions slay me. “Marco Polo,” “Italian Roast,” and the “Hasselhoff” are just a few of my favorites!
To Enter The Giveaway:
- Leave a comment letting us know if you’d keep this coloring book or who you would gift it too (as a joke or serious gift)
- Leave a way for us to contact you – Twitter or Email (THIS IS A MUST!)
- Comment must be left by February 17th 5pm EST
- One entry per household UNLESS, you post this giveaway to your FB page in which case you should leave a second comment to this blog post letting us know you did so
- 3 winners will be selected at random using a wordpress blog widget

21 Responses to V-DAY Giveaway #9: A Coloring Book of a Sexy Nature