This year I decided to take the pressure off myself and focus on the resolutions my cats are making for the New Year. Here they are, in birth order.
Kip’s resolutions for 2014:
1) Kip promises to change the toilet paper when it runs out (placing the flap towards the front).
2) He will dedicate himself to learning photoshop.
3) In addition to brushing up on international politics.
4) In 2014 Kip will complete his taxes before the April 15th deadline.
5) And while it will not be easy, Kip will free himself of his shoe addiction (particularly to anything in gold lamé).
Petie’s resolutions for 2014:
6) Petie will take a break from social media.
7) He will do the laundry versus merely sitting in it.
8) Petie will practice sitting in a more polite manner (particularly around guests).
9) And work on over-coming his introvert nature to make new friends (that’s Angie Bailey of Catladyland working to make Petie’s acquaintance).
10) Last but certainly not least, Petie will stop wearing my lingerie.
Haddie’s resolutions for 2014:
11) Haddie will try to be more ladylike.
12) She will blog more consistently.
13) And stop relying on her feminine wiles to get what she wants.
14) She (and Kip) will cool it on all the PDA.
15) And she’ll generally stop being such a big flirt (that’s my sister she’s cozying up to).
What resolutions will your cats be making for the New Year?
Last but certainly not least. HAPPY NEW YEARS to all the loyal I HAVE CAT fans from myself (Tamar) and the kitties. May you have a happy and healthy 2014.

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