I don’t subscribe to People Magazine* (not-that-there’s-anything-wrong-with-that) but I picked up the “Sexiest Man Alive” issue at Barnes and Nobles to flip through while sipping my Tall Soy Chai Latte this evening and came across something unexpected but very welcome.
Sexy cat men! Five of them to be exact! Major eye candy (or is that eye nip?!).

Ian with his hunk of an orange rescue cat Moke (It’s hard to say which is the bigger stud don’t you think?)
Perhaps it was a way to appease those of use who don’t find Adam Levine sexy (deemed “Sexist Man Alive” for 2013), but whatever the reason I’m all for the glorification – perhaps even exploitation – of cat men. Particularly of the hunky variety. The subhead “What’s furry and sweet and makes you swoon? These stars cozying up to their favorite felines” sums it up perfectly.
So what do I do? What any responsible blogger would do for her fans. Start taking illicit shots of the magazine right then and there in Barnes and Noble with my iPhone – thankfully no one seemed to notice and/or care!
The five cat men featured are Ian Somerhalder, Gilles Marini, Norman Reedus, Max Thierot and Ricky Gervais. Sadly, the only cat man I recognized is arguably the least-classically-sexy elder of the bunch, Ricky. I clearly need to start watching more television!
Of his cat Ollie Ricky says, “She’s fickle. I quite like it when she bites me, because it’s her letting me know that she used to be a lion.” He might very well have a point there!
I purposefully didn’t include all five of the cat men so you’ll be encouraged to buy a copy to support the “cause” (or at the very least peruse it in your local B&N – hey, it’ll give you a reason to get out of the house!). That and this way hopefully People Mag won’t come after me for taking and posting pics from their mag (fingers crossed!).
Got home and found this behind-the-scenes video of the shoot with Ian Somerhalder. I think I’m in love. Not only is he super hot (those blue eyes *sigh* doesn’t he remind you of a young Rob Lowe?), but I love the way he talks about his kitty. This is a must-watch!
(Sadly it seems the video of Ian takes too long to load so you can watch it by clicking here or the image below)
Who is your favorite celebrity cat man of all time?
***11/23/13 UPDATE*** more behind the scenes videos of People Magazine’s 2013 Sexy Cat Men. This time it’s with Norman Reedus. He picked the least adoptable kitten (a black kitten found in a a box in NYC), and you’ll love the way he was named. Big time “awwwws”!
*Full disclosure, I used to get it for free for many, many years through work so I find it hard to actually pay for it. It does actually makes for the perfect Friday evening palate cleanser after a long week of work! Kind of like bubble gum for the brain.
A friendly reminder there’s still time to enter to win a limited edition Fancy Feast holiday ornament! There will be 30 winners chosen (US only – sorry!)

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