I once worked at a job with a pet-friendly policy whose limits I tested by occasionally bringing in one particularly adorable foster kitten by the name of Bridget. She was quite the draw, though she spent most of the day sleeping on my hard drive (as most kittens will do!).

Bridget was so cute that the folks at I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER actually found this photo of her on the interwebs and made a card out of it!
Yesterday on behalf of National Cat Day, I Can Has Cheezburger collaborated with the car service app UBER to create “I Can Has Uber Kittens,” an initiative allowing folks in NYC, San Francisco and Seattle to benefit from the joys of a 15 minute on-demand kitten play time in the workplace!
I don’t care how stodgy your boss is, there isn’t anything that can turn a boring meeting around quite like an armload of squirmy, smoochable, adorable kittens. Talk about warm fuzzies galore!
So this is how it worked. Workers in the selected cities who downloaded the UBER app could schedule a delivery for kitten playtime.
The cost of each kitten playtime session was $20, with one hundred percent of proceeds going to the shelter partner in each city (ASPCA in NYC, SF-SPCA in San Fran and the Seattle Humane Society in Seattle).
Don’t you worry, all kittens were accompanied by shelter volunteers to ensure the animals well-being and to provide people with more info on how to adopt.
Oh, and did I mention the lucky recipients of the kitty bundles also got to partake in custom cupcakes by by celebrity baker Duff Goldman/Charm City Cakes.
Kittens AND cupcakes. Pinch me am I sleeping?! Not a bad deal for $20.
Here are a few pictures from today’s Kitten Workplace loving time. For more pics check out Twitter #ICanHasUberKittens!
I can only hope that #1) there were no “accidents” yesterday (thankfully none reported of which I am aware) and,
#2) there were some love connections made that will lead to adoptions. Fingers crossed!
National Cat Day was established in 2005 to celebrate cats and encourage adoption rather than buying from pet stores supplied by kitten mills. I think National Cat Day should be once a month, what do you think?
As a friendly reminder, if you don’t already “like” I HAVE CAT on Facebook be sure to come check us out! We are over 28k cat lovers strong and we’d love to have you join us and share pics of your furbabies!

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