Thought you would all enjoy reading the Mother’s Day note I received from my cat sitter Jordanna Serebrenik this morning recounting the alleged escapades of Kip, Petie and Haddie while I was away spending time with my Mom. (As an aside, in addition to pet sitting Jordanna has a business called Catch Your Cat and can help catch it in addition to sit for it!)
Note from my cat sitter on Mother’s Day Morning
So they weren’t so starving this morning. I think that might have had something to do with their successful execution of Operation Cat Chow – Down. Yup – they managed to knock the dry food down from the cubby hole (note from Tamar: the cubby hole is a place I was 100% certain was completely out of paw reach). They tried to cover their tracks and they all paw-nted to each other, but this is how I see it going down.
Kip being the long lean agile one and the master of the headbutt knockdown was the main actor but he was certainly aided by his two accomplices. I think he may have used the box on the table (now on the floor) as a launching pad. Once on top of the coat rack he began head-butting everything.
Haddie paced with anticipation as the hats flew down as she was excited to play dress up with mom’s hats. Petie, on the other hand was getting frustrated with his brother who was wasting precious time. His heart skipped a beat when the blue cat chow bag fluttered to the floor until he realized it was a decoy with mom’s picture on it.
Now thoroughly annoyed with Kip, and wishing he had dropped an extra 5lbs so he could just do it himself, he hissed at Kip telling him to use his damn nose for what it was meant to be used for – to sniff out food – rather than as a bulldozer. Kip finally understood and after further investigation, he realized that the pot of gold was one level down. Using those long legs he reached down and nudged and pulled and then leapt with glee as the bag tumbled to the ground.
The boys immediately converged on the delectable scattered along the floor. Haddie joined in just as soon as she could extricate herself from out from under the red straw hat.
And thus, they were only moderately happy to see me this morning.
Happy Mothers Day from the gang.

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