You’ve likely heard they’ve been casting for the role of Holly GoLightly’s cat (actually named “Cat”) in the remake of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s. But did you know about another recent open cat-call for a little known publication by the name of Kitty Hustler?
You haven’t? Well, I guess it’s not surprising given I made it up! But I found the thought of it so hilarious (hilariously awkward that is) I wrote up a post on BuzzFeed.
Here are just a few of the shots to give you a sneak peak, but I hope you’ll check out the entire post here (and if you like it let be sure to “like” and share!).
Thanks to all the I HAVE CAT fans on Facebook who answered my call for entry and sent in photos of their cats in compromising (or just plain hysterical) poses. Hopefully this post will be so popular I can follow-it up with another and use all the great pictures I received!

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