My guest post on Pets360 “The Truth Behind Cat Women” featuring six so not crazy and so very sexy cat ladies was such a hit I decided we needed a second installment!
So today we’re featuring three Sexy Cat Ladies from New York, NY, Miami, FL and Portland, OR. One of them is a celebrity in her own right who is more known as a dog lady so today it’s all about her cat! Another literally has a “Sexy Cat lady” license plate on her car, and one of them never considered herself a cat lover and now she has a business that’s all about cats!
So without further ado, here you go!
Name: Wendy Diamond
Residence: NYC
Occupation: Animal Rescue Advocate, Entrepreneur, Author, TV Personality
Cats: Pasha, a Russian Blue Rescue and the inspiration behind
Hobbies: Traveling all over the world helping endangered animals, and thrift shopping
What’s the biggest misconception about women who have cats: That there aren’t any normal ones.
What’s a crazy cat lady stereotype that in no way describes you: I am crazy about Pasha – if I was a kitten I would be in Love with Pasha – he is the most handsome cat (even as an older gentleman). What do I care what other people think?
What do you think people would be most surprised to learn about you: Simple and beyond down to earth!
How have your cats made you a better person: Inspired me to dedicate my life to help animals by creating Animal volunteer/rescue work: Lucky Diamond Critical Care Ward at the Humane Society of New York (Named after Lucky, Pasha’s puppy sister), to be honest there are so many charities we support – my whole life is helping the underdog who can’t help me.
Do you consider your cat (and dog) pets, children, companions or something else all together? I treat my pets like my family, best friends – there is nothing I would not do for Mom that I would not do for Pasha. Yes my family has finally accepted this reality.
Name: Christine Michaels
Residence: Miami, FL
Occupation: Boutique tour business in South Beach (Miami), FL. Cats: 6 indoor cats Jean Pierre (11 years), Helio (4 years), Geisha (4 years), Hansel & Gretel (4 years), Johnny Walker (3 years) and 21 outdoor neighborhood cats (feral, semi feral and friendly) and they each have names and know their names. Hobbies: Sunbathing by pool or beach, dining out with friends, trapping/feeding/ caring for stray cats, reading, blogging and traveling. What’s the biggest misconception about women who have cats: That we’re lonely. Not at all! I have an active and full life. What do you think people would be most surprised to learn about you: That my home is clean and NEVER smells like cats. I vacuum daily and hire someone if I don’t have time or have to travel. How have your cats made you a better person: Absolutely! My cats were all rescued from the neighborhood. In my daily visits in monitoring for new cats outside, feeding them and petting some, these cats are grateful for a little affection and food. That have no voice to say “please help, I’m itching from ants that bit me, I’m thirsty, I’m pregnant and need natal care…” They are stoic and fighters and keep living, fighting to survive no matter the circumstances. The are constant reminders not to get upset over little, insignificant things and live each moment to the fullest.
They are always happy to see me the cats literally come out of hiding and run to me, some semi feral ones even rub against my legs. If you recall the beginning of the movie Cinderella, all creature from birds to rabbits and squirrels scamper towards Cinderella when she starts singing. When I call out “kitties” the same happens for me. I truly feel like Cinderella. That is true unconditional love.
I encourage everyone to find a positive force (i,e. church, charity) and contribute. Volunteerism is powerful way to uplift the world. If everyone volunteered, the world would be a better place. Animal volunteer/rescue work: Started not one but two animal non profits. Riverfront Cats specializing in rescue/adoption and TNRM. Pawsitively Humane also addresses all other pets. More importantly both organizations are getting to the root of the problem through education.
Name: Shana Freimark
Residence: Portland, OR
Occupation: Founder + Designer, Sweet Pickles Designs
Cats: Pickles
Hobbies: Skiing, reading, sewing, yoga, pottery, playing with my three dogs and Pickles.
What’s the biggest misconception about women who have cats: They are lonely.
What’s a crazy cat lady stereotype that in no way describes you: I don’t have thousands of cats at home, just one.
What do you think people would be most surprised to learn about you: I used to think I wasn’t a cat person.
How have your cats made you a better person: My cat has pretty much changed everything in my life. Besides converting me from a non-cat person to a full blown crazy cat lady and inspiring me to start a line of cat accessories, she has taught me to think big and love life. She lives with 3 huge dogs (all out weighing her by at least 50 lbs) and she spends her days wrestling and cuddling with them; a situation most animals would avoid and yet she approaches with excitement. Her approach to everything has taught me that even if you are a small fish in a big pond, you don’t have to think that way and there is just so much in life to love.
Animal volunteer/rescue work: Volunteer Oregon Humane Society. We also dress as many of the adoptables at their Westside Adoption Center in Portland.

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