May you all be pardoning (or hugging) a turkey today instead of putting one in your belly. But regardless I hope you are all surrounded by your two and four-legged loved ones and know that those who can’t be with you are out of harms way.
There’s something I really like about the term Thankliving. It’s unclear who first coined the term, but it’s been in use for at least the past ten years in association with a cruelty-free vegan Thanksgiving celebration.
But I like it in the broader context of Living Thankfully. Thanksgiving sounds like a one-time thing, a day of giving thanks for what we have. But Thanksliving is a way of being. Recognizing and being grateful for every moment of living we have. Or making an effort to at least!
This year I am officially old. Proof? The first thing that came to mind when thinking of gratitudes was my health. When you’re younger that concept makes no sense. Well “duh” of course we have our health. It’s only when you can fathom not having health that you begin to really be grateful for it!
Soon I’ll get on the Metro North and head up the Hudson River and have a thankfully turkey-less Thanksgiving meal and live gratefully in the moment of being surrounded by my nuclear family.
So Happy Thanksgiving and Thanksliving To Everyone!
Now go hug a (live) turkey! A new tradition!

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