Today’s Cat Man Monday was submitted by Christina Pultrone about her Cat Man boyfriend Mark Graham. Not only is this a sweet story of how a cat by the name of Freida who brought these two of together, but Christina and Mark are also parents to Riblet, the Petie “wanna be” who’s been featured on I HAVE CAT’s Facebook page many times in the past! So enjoy!
I’ve been doing cat rescue for about six years and in May 2009 someone emailed the rescue organization about meeting and possibly adopting one of our cats.
His application was perfect. Turned out to be Mark, who coincidentally worked with my brother and sister at the local police department AND he lived walking distance from me.
I figured it was the usual meet-and-greet. When he pulled up in his Mustang (which I thought was cheesy!) and stepped out of the car, I was watching from my window. All I could think was,
“Holy sh#t! This guy is hot and I am in sweatpants, no make-up and what is he going to think about me living here alone with ten foster cats!”
Did I mention I am also a librarian?!
He was super nice and hot as heck! He eventually decided on a beautiful three year old torbie named “Freida,” but lingered at my house and we chatted for an additional three hours.
I kept his cell phone number and would randomly text him asking about Freida, but we didn’t see each other again for a few months. I obsessed over him with my girlfriends and constantly “fished” for information about Mark from my brother.
One day in September of 2009 he just showed up at my house bringing with him one of his cats Wolfie that he wanted me to meet. We flirted a bit and a week later had a date to a KISS concert of all places (neither of us are really big fans).
We’ve been together ever since.
He puts up with my “cat radar” – I always seem to find a stray wherever we are. He helps me with transport to adoptions and the vet clinic.
He works close to my home and even plays with my cats on his lunch break. Mark had two cats when we started dating and now he has five and a revolving door of foster kittens.
He is the best and I think we were meant for each other. We are two crazy cat people. I am proof a quirky librarian in her 30’s with ten cats can find true love!
I call Freida our love connection and I will always have a special place in my heart for her.

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