Today’s Cat Woman Wednesday is Lisa Brideau, the woman behind Orphan Animal Pics, bringing photographers and shelter pets together to increase their chances for adoption. LOVE this!
She’s also started a line of cards on Etsy featuring the very same photos to help raise awareness of and funds for shelter pets in the Vancouver area (there’s even a Holiday card!).
But before I turn this post over to Lisa, I decided to do a bit of my own to see what interesting tid-bits I could turn up for you. All in the name of journalism of course!
Lisa is an Urban Planner and Sustainability Advocate. I’m not sure what that means, but I do know that I’m pretty damn impressed! She also has a personal blog called Burrito West where both her cats Kitty and Bernoulli, along with an array of shelter cats and kitties get airplay.
In one post featuring the latest kitten shots Lisa confesses, “Yup, another photo shoot with kittens. I forced them all to cuddle, yes I did.” How can you not love a woman who believes in the corporal cuddling of kittens?!
I also learned that she shares my secret dream of a larger home one-day so she can have an entire room dedicated to foster kitties!
If you’re curious how her blog got the name Burrito West (I was), it turns out it’s how the 9th graders butchered the pronunciation of her French Canadian last name. Br-i-deau. Get it?
As she recounts in her blog, “One day, in my infinite wisdom, I was sharing this tale with my other half – Peter – and he thought it was hilarious… and I’ve been Burrito ever since.” Guessing the “West” part comes from being on the West Coast of Canada? Is there a Burrito East I’m now wondering?!
Okay, I guess at this point I’d better turn the post over to Lisa herself!
I started Orphan Animal Pics to connect talented volunteer photographers in Vancouver BC with animal rescue groups. It is my belief that beautiful photos help shelter animals find loving homes. I want to do what I can to get animals out of shelters and into permanent homes where they will be spoiled rotten.
I would adopt them all if I could, but I’m a renter and am limited in my ability to help directly like that, so Orphan Animal Pics and this fundraiser are my ways of helping animals find new homes. These rescue groups do such amazing work – anything we can do to support them is deserved!
I’ve always had cats growing up, can’t imagine life without them. They are comforting companionship, constant entertainment, and so soft and cuddly and cute!
My two 10 year old cats are a perfect mirror of my partner and I. Our boy cat Bernoulli is perfectly laid back and will let you do whatever you want, and our girl cat Kitty is very particular and has to have everything on her terms. It’s quite uncanny.
The only difference is the cats just tolerate each other whereas my partner and I are, you know, kind of fond of one another.
So let’s support Lisa Burrito and buy a card…or three! All proceeds go to Vancouver-area animal rescue groups Katie’s Place Animal Shelter and HomeFinders Animal Rescue.

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