Last month I shared 10 Embarrassing Singleton Confessions with you. Today I bring you 10 Confessions of a Single (Cat) Mom. Here we go – please don’t judge me!
1. I worry about the lack of a male role model in their lives beyond Skemdar the super.
2. When I scoop the litter boxes I pretend I’m panning for gold.
3. I don’t wash their bowls after every meal.
4. I wish I lived with someone so each cat had a petting hand (not to mention the foster!)
5. Not all my fur kids were planned.
6. I feed them Fancy Feast in addition to Weruva and Wellness (same rational as diet coke with fries).
7. I’ve fed Kip kibble in the bathroom with the water running so Petie wouldn’t hear.
8. I employ corporate cuddling even when they haven’t done anything wrong.
9. I’m an avid kitty huffer (goes hand-in-hand with #8)
My biggest confession of all, and it’s one I’ve only come clean on with myself recently…..
10. While I love all my cats equally, I like one better. Wanna take a guess? I’ll never tell!
What are your deepest cat mom and dad “sins”? This is your chance to confess and clear your conscious (and you’ll make me feel better while you’re at it!).
A huge shout-out to Ana Grupke of for turning me into a poop pan handler! If you’re looking for a cat themed t-shirt – is the place for you!

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