I am beyond thrilled to announce that I HAVE CAT surpassed 23,000 Facebook likes last week!

This visual couldn’t be more appropriate given the amount of rain being dumped on NYC as we await Sandy’s arrival.
Given all the new fans, and everyone stuck at home in need of reading material thanks to Sandy, it seemed like a good time to revisit some of my favorite posts.
So welcome to all my new fans and THANK YOU to those who’ve been reading IHC for the last THREE YEARS (can you believe we passed the 3 year mark this past August?!).
The Basics:
- The Long Soak – How I HAVE CAT came to be
- What’s In A Name – Where I HAVE CAT got its name
- The Cat-Less Years – Growing up pet-free
- He Had Cat(s) – How cat came into my life (it was a guy’s fault)
How Cats Changed My Life:
- (Cat)astrophic Thinking – How cats have given me a taste of (2-legged) motherhood
- Feline Mignon – My cats turned me into a vegetarian now flirting with vegan
- Cats, The Gateway Animal – How cats are like marijuana (and got me addicted to animals)
Cats and Men:
- Wanted: A Man Who Loves Pussy(cats) – Why a man who loves cats is the best
- Cat Man Do (Not) – If I’d grown up with cats I wouldn’t be single (the similarities between cats and men)
New York City and Men:
- Apart(men)t –The similarities between man and apartment hunting in NYC
- Of Meals and Men – Is my love of good food so intense it could sabotage a potential relationship? (or is this guy just totally lame)
Hope you enjoy these and I look forward to hearing which are your favorite (and which you didn’t love so much!).

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