New Yorkers tend to take predictions of doom with a grain of salt. But as an Advertising Account Manager, it’s my job to prepare for the worst. So I figured an inventory of hurricane rations was in order.
Natural Balance wet and dry for the fosters, Wellness in poultry flavors for Kip, Wereva Mack and Jack for highness Haddie, Fancy Feast (just in case the cats decide to get finicky), LED flashlight, two jugs of water, two bananas, pasta, peanut butter,
Honey Bunches of Oats, Almond Breeze almond milk, wine opener, an open bottle of wine…screeching halt. ONE measly partially consumed bottle of white wine? Unacceptable.
So guess where I’m off to? The wine store? The grocery for more human food? While both logical choices, I am actually off to the IKEA ferry to snag some of of that cheap fake cat grass décor! It’s true my priorities are questionable, but my apartment will look super cute!
Oh, did I mention I am going with a hunky guy I lured with the promise of Swedish meatballs. Same one who put up my Urban Pet Haus cat shelves. Too bad he’s not the settling down (up?!) type…
PS – For those worrying about Petie, don’t. He doesn’t require special flavors. He hasn’t met a food he doesn’t like!

13 Responses to Hurricane Sandy: Houston, We Have A Problem.