Move over Cat Fancy, there’s a new cat magazine in town.
While no relation to our favorite blog of the same name (, the new publication Moderncat Magazine also strives to bring modernity to the lives of cats – and cat companions – everywhere.
I got a sneak peek (aka nicked a copy) of the premiere issue and was pleasantly surprised by two things:
1) The Moderncat folks MUST be reading I HAVE CAT because many of the products featured (ModKat litter box, Tiny Confession quirky cat art, Tipsy Nip catnip and Loyal Luxe cat houses) have already been written up in this blog! What other explanation could there be?!
2) I’m clearly rolling with the right cat crowd because fellow cat bloggers Catsparella and Sparkle the Designer Cat were featured in the column titled “The Scoop” (get it?)!
Still unclear how often Moderncat will be published, but I’m enjoying the first issue!
PS – Had an amazing week/weekend last week as got to hang with some of my cat blogging pals in Saint Louis (where I may or may not have touched noses with a pig!), followed by the blessing of the animals at Tabby’s Place in NJ where Gwen Cooper (Homer’s Odyssey) read excerpts from her new book. Promise to follow-up with photos and video!

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