Carrie Bradshaw (if you have to ask skip this post) was right about a lot of things, but not when it came to the New York Sunday Times.
“There are very few things this New Yorker loves as much as Sunday brunch. You can sleep until noon… alcohol is often included with the meal, and Sunday is the one day a week you get the single woman’s sports pages: the New York Times wedding section.” – Carrie Bradshaw
I respectfully beg to differ.
The action – this Sunday at least – was in the Real Estate section. And by “action” I don’t mean a hot tip on rent stabilized duplex in the West Village, but on a seemingly single, handsome, well-educated (bonus extra), 35+ year, European (unclear if benefit at this time)…wait for male.
Enter one Alfredo Sosa-Velasco and tabby cat Rafael.
Photo credits: Tina Fineberg for The New York Times
Me-Wow, as one Salma Hayek-voiced kitty Soft Paws would say.
True he has a Charlie Chaplin poster on the wall (?), believes a studio near Washington Square Park can be had for under $2k (the man has PhD in Romance Studies after all), and Rafael doesn’t look so pleased in the above photo. He has potential. Plus, he lives off the 6 train.
You know what they say. He’s either European or gay.
What happens if he’s both? Only one way to find out I guess.
Hey, Alfredo.
Call me.

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