Do you get super productive or gain new abilities when you’re buzzed? It’s so nice to wake up to a sparkling bathroom you don’t remember cleaning. And my French is flawless after a few glasses bottle of wine.
I recently discovered margaritas give me the ability to cook, and without a recipe even!
After a few three frozen pomegranate margaritas with my ex-roomie (and fellow cat woman) Christina, 10:30pm seemed like a perfectly reasonable time to clean and cook the vegetables I’d picked up at the Farmers Market that morning.*
Imagine my excitement the next morning upon realizing I had a yummy, tasty, healthy vegan lunch to take to work!
It seems I’m not the only one whose culinary skills come out of the closet when drinking. “My Drunk Kitchen” is a series of webisodes featuring a funny and charming young woman cooking while getting progressively drunker. Here’s her video about cooking under the influence of margaritas tequila.
Do you do any unusual things when you’ve had a few (too many)?
Tamar’s Drunken Summer Vegetables
Note: This is a loose recipe given the conditions under which the dish was prepared
- Squash of your choice (2 large or 4-5 small) I like the small and tender light green zucchini (also called Lebanese zucchini)
- 2 – Carrots
- ½ Red Pepper
- Few Tomatoes and/or canned tomatoes
- Water or vege broth (particularly if using tomatoes and won’t have the juice from the tomatoes)
- Fresh cilantro chopped
- Can of garbanzo beans
- Onion or garlic
- Olive oil
- Cilantro chutney (optional – I love the stuff it’s so versatile, I put it in black bean vege burgers too – it has a little kick!)
- Salt
- Heat up the oil and add garlic or onions
- Chop up veges (not too small but not too big – maybe a little larger than 1/2 inch cubes?)
- Add veges and tomatoes to the pan
- Add approx 2/3 cup juice from tomatoes (if using can) or vege broth or even water
- Let simmer with lid on
- Check in on them periodically – will at least take 30 minutes
Pair with rice and voila!
*A special shout-out to Dorian (of Your Daily Cute) for seeing my plea on Facebook the night of my cooking adventure and calling me at 11:49pm from Florida so I could locate my Blackberry (which doubles as my alarm clock!). She’s ready to help cats and cat ladies regardless of geography!

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