Today’s post is written by Dawn White – aka the Mother of Lola the Rescue Cat – who lives in the NYC borough of Queens. Dawn and I met through Lola about a year ago (a story for another post) and have since taken road trips together to Tabby’s Place Cat Sanctuary in NJ and Thanksliving at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary. Her post today is about two very special cats who entered her life pre-Lola. Enjoy!

I grew up with cats just about my entire life. We had Frisky, Tabitha, Morris, Samantha and the love of my life, Marvin. Marvin was a black and white with a smudge on his nose that came to us when I was 19 and he was 8 weeks old, not long after Frisky died of Feline Leukemia.
Marvin was my sidekick, my baby, my friend, and a constant in my life full of changes. I taught him to fetch and give kisses, but much to the dismay of my entire family he took his kisses to another level by biting our noses when we were sleeping which undoubtedly left us with red, bulbous noses to explain to others. But that was Marvin.
When I was 31 I ended a long-term relationship and was absolutely devastated when I wasn’t able to bring Marvin to live with me in my new apartment. I cried hysterically to my mother who was the voice of reason and suggested I ask my then ex-boyfriend if he would keep him. He and his daughter of course said yes, but I was still devastated.
I tried to alleviate my guilt by telling myself he was staying in the home he knew for years, with not only people he knew and who loved him, but he’d stay with his sidekick, another black and white named Samantha. I knew he would be well taken care of and that my mother would check on him but the guilt still ran deep.
After I moved out I was never able to speak about Marvin. Not having him left a hole in my heart and my life that I thought would be never be filled, and the remorse of leaving him behind never really went away. My mother understood and respected this and never forced the subject, nor did she ever make me think I made the wrong decision.
When Marvin went to the bridge a few years later, she broke the news to me by slipping it into normal conversation not pausing for a reaction. Somehow she knew deep down inside I would want to know. I went home and cried.
For the next 16 years I always lived in places that did not allow pets so I never had to think about having one. One day in April 2010 I was in Petco with my family buying supplies for my niece’s new puppy when I came across the Hudson Valley Human Society’s adoption table.
Now, the idea of actually owning a cat had not crossed my mind in 16 years. But then I saw her: a beautiful black and white named Lexy who reminded me of my Marvin. I called my sister over to the table and kept saying, “Who does she look like? Who does she look like?”
The volunteer told me she had been there for almost a year. I was told people thought she was too old (at nearly 2) or wanted more exotic looking cats. All I could picture was this sweet baby on display in a cage every weekend for a year looking for a forever home. I decided right then and there she needed a home. Well, actually she needed ME! Or more accurately, I needed her.
I put my hand in the cage to pet her and she got up, turned around, gave me her back and totally ignored me. I was in love and knew we were meant to be together. And we are.
Lexy is my heart and soul and after 16 years she has filled the Marvin shaped hole in my heart. Lexy is funny, independent, and inquisitive. She’s friendly and affectionate (in her own non-lap sitting way) and she adores me almost as much as I adore her. She completed my home – and my life. Who could want for more?
There was a connection between us immediately that some may say is spiritual and that others may say is all in my head. But one thing I knew for sure was that there was no way she was going to sit there for another year in a cage pleading for a home. Her home was found that very minute I laid eyes on her – in my heart.
If you’re a Cat Woman or Cat Man (or know a Cat Man) tell us about it! Submit posts for consideration with corresponding photos to ihavecat(at)gmail(dot)com. Submissions should be 400-800 words in length.
REMINDER: You could be the one to name a Sweet Pickles’ Design cat collar (and win a collar of your choice for kitty). In fact, one of the collars is called the Lola after Lexy’s sister. Hmmm, I think Lexy needs a collar named after her don’t you? Enter now!

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